Symptoms. (Important!🚨)

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📹 Surveillance:

-You feel watched/Observed.
-Dont sleep at night.
-Looking at a fixed point in your room.

🌲 Pre-kidnaping:

-Eating little or too much.
-Feeling very sleepy.
-Wanting to see blood.
-Being in a bad mood.

🔪 Warning:

-You are VERY sleepy.
-Eating less.
-Having more dreams.
-Dawn with wounds.

📼 Condemned:

-See shadows.
-Looking at a fixed point in your room.

My symptoms:

🌲-Eating less (or more sometimes)
🌲-Feeling very sleepy (or tired)
🌲-Feeling watched/Observed
🌲-Always in a bad mood
🌲-Wanting to see blood.. (or gore..)
🌲-Seeing shadow figures (don't know if those count as shadows but sure.)

It turns out I got the symptoms of Pre-kidnaping..

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