#Entry 8 (its watching)

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Dec/17/2023 Sunday. [8:57PM]

Okay so.. i snuck out at 2am again, and lets just say that. A few things happened. (I didn't get caught)

Okay so while i was on the walk i felt watched, paranoid and uneasy and/or uncomfortable. I also saw 2 shadow figures in the corner of my eye, and what's weird is that i also smelled like.. i can't explain it but, it was like a sweet smell of some sort? Like a perfume or just in general a sweet smell. (I think it might have been sally) before i even snuck out i heard tapping or knocking. Right now as i'm typing this i smelled that same sweet perfume smell for a second. I also felt followed. When i snuck out, i could have sworn that i heard footsteps behind me. I feel dizzy and tired.

Also i might not be posting for a while because, i have tests this week and then I'll have a little vacation because of christmas.

(From Monday, Dec/18 to Thursday, Dec/21 i will or might not post anything)

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