#Entry 34

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(Mar/31/2024)                 [Sunday, 9:45AM]

Um.. so lately nothing much has been happening but, I have been talking to Ri..

Um so, she said that she was getting better..  and that she was trying to forget about slenderman... But, I might have accidentally dragged her back into this mess. I mean I did keep mentioning slenderman to her. So it's my fault. But, in the end she forgave me. Now I feel bad..

Well.. now I had another dream about Habit.

i had two dreams about Habit actually... I don't remember shit, I just remember seeing an image of him smiling and he had his "death proof" hat on. I remember Habit telling me something, or he was talking to me but, I can't remember what he said.. Besides that, I'm feeling less hungry. That's normal at this point, yesterday I ate once. My dad was a little concerned but, he didn't force me to eat unlike mom. Mom cares a bit too much about me so even when I say that I'm not hungry, she gives me food either way.

I currently have a headache, I could have sworn that I heard ringing in my ears a few days ago. On Friday, it was late at night everyone was sleeping when I kept hearing a ringing in my ears. I turned off the fan and after a while the ringing stopped. I also heard a few taps on the window but, I didn't even bother to check what or who was doing that. I mean there are rats that sometimes climb on the roof and make noises (those are big rats not normal ones) but, i could have sworn that it was coming from the window, not the roof. The rats can't climb on the windows.. i don't know. I mean the rats squeak and I didn't hear any squeaking or anything. I heard someone tap twice on the window and then after a few seconds I heard someone tapping on the windows again. I did get a little paranoid but, I was fine..

Also.. i don't know if I'm being manipulated by Slenderman but, I have the urge to try and find him. Like I want to see him again. I haven't seen him in a while but, I do want to go and find him... I told that to Ri and she told me that, that was very bad. Because, i could be getting manipulated by him. I told her that I was going to sneak out but, in the end I decided not to since, she was really insisting that I didn't go outside, especially at night since I'm young.. she kinda sounds like my mom but, my mom is 10 times worse and more paranoid.

My phone keeps glitching like crazy, Im trying to research something but, my phone keeps freezing.. i don't know if it's Slenderman or that observer bastard. Speaking of the observer, i haven't seen him in a while. Which is good, because he's annoying.

A few parts of my body hurts, like my legs and my arm. I found out about a very underrated creepypasta called: "Wilson the basher" so I'm going to keep researching him.. the coughing fits have gone away for now. Tomorrow school starts again so I won't be updating until Friday probably.

Also, I'll be changing the titles of my entries, so if the dates don't match the date the entry says it's because, I changed the title.

Well stay safe.! Bye.

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