Random update..

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(February 17) Saturday

Update: okay.. so first of all, I had a box that had random snacks inside, yesterday I forgot to bring the last snack that was in the box to school, when I came back I saw that the box was gone.. today I asked my dad he said this:

"yo no sé, eso lo botamos porque no tenía nada.. eso estaba vacío.."

(Translation:) "I don't know, we threw it away because it didn't have anything, it was empty.."

I Remember very clearly that there was one last snack inside of the box.. Last night I saw that there was a snack inside the box but, I left it there.

Okay.. I don't think it was my grandpa because the snack had chocolate in it and he can't eat chocolate and he also didn't know about the box with the snacks, grandma is at the hospital so it definitely couldn't have been her. My mom and dad don't eat those. So I honestly don't know who it could have been..

Also what's weird is that on Tuesday I woke up and the fridge was open but, no one was there. So I closed it..

I think someone broke inside the house and stole the last bag of snacks and for the open fridge it could be a lot of things.

1. Someone was sleepwalking
2. My grandpa forgot to close the fridge (unlikely because he always closes the fridge)
3. Someone broke in and tried to search for food inside the fridge and left it open.

I'm genuinely just confused at this point..

Could have been that observer bitch because he breaks into people's houses at times.. Or hoodie, hoodie could break in at times. But, at the same time.. if someone broke in, Rose (my dog) would start barking or growling, so I'm not sure..

Well at this point I don't know anymore.

Today, I asked my dad something:

Me: "Papa, si por ejemplo, si tú tenías otra hija y ella quería ser un varón que tú pensarás de éso?"

Dad: "Yo no sé, a mi no me importa, si ella quiere ser un varón, que sean un varón."


Me: "Dad, if for example, if you had another daughter and she wanted to be a boy what would you think about that?"

Dad: "I don't know, I honestly don't care. If she wants to be a boy, then be a boy."

I was a little happy because this gave me a bit of hope but, I'm not going to tell them yet. I'm still not ready, because of my mom..

I'll give them little hints like, putting my hair up that way I look more boyish, dressing a bit masculine or acting a bit like a boy.. not sure what my mom will think of this.

My mom always wanted a girl, but now she will have a boy.. three boys (My brother Joshua, Albert and now me.. Jayden)

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