#Entry 16

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(Jan/14/2024) [Sunday 7:32PM]

So these past few days, I have been feeling depressed.. I had a mental breakdown yesterday because of my intrusive thoughts.

Today, we went to a park and it was kind of fun. I got to climb a weird.. rope thing? However, it started to rain so we had to go home. Mom said that tomorrow if it's not raining we will go to the park again.

I have been coughing a lot lately and my nausea has gotten a lot worse and I feel tired no matter how much I sleep.

Also I have been researching about Kagekao, Sally, Jeff ect.

My metal health is getting worse.. a lot worse. I'm in a bad mood all of the time and I keep being angry and lashing out at everyone for no reason .. Why can't everyone and everything just leave me alone.. Normally, I would be nice to my mom and dad, but, I just don't feel like myself anymore. I'm starting to hate everyone and everything. My mental health is very bad at the moment..

My intrusive thoughts are starting to get to me again.. My mom knows what slenderman is but, every time I try to tell her that I keep seeing him she just thinks that im making stuff up, joking around or that im hallucinating.. and she tells me: "It's a fictional character! You're just hallucinating because you watch too much stuff on YouTube."

She doesn't know that, what I am seeing is real.

I also researched a bit more about Slenderman and apparently it says that slenderman purposely lets his victims catch glimpses of him, to drive them crazy or paranoid.. that's exactly what it's doing to me..

(I'm not sure if who I keep seeing is the operator or slenderman but, now that I read that. Im starting to suspect that it was actually slenderman who I keep seeing..)

My phone has also been glitching a little. Everytime that I'm researching my phone keeps freezing or glitching.

I hope you have a good day/night bye!..

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