Update. . .

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okay so here are some of the stuff that has happened to me lately. (While on the break.)

-Headaches and migraines
-Feeling Exhausted or Tired.
-Mood swings
-Eating way too much. (Or too little)
-Feeling Observed or watched)
-Devices Glitching. (The Tv and phone)
-Lights flickering?
-Hearing tapping.
-Coughing fits
-Stuffy or Runny nose
-Obsession with drawing? (a little)
-Going a bit insane.
-My eye keeps twitching every once in a while.
-Getting frightened or scared more easily.

(Bro my grandpa was behind me and i litterally jumped when i saw him. He scared the shit out of me)

I'm also starting to hate being around people now. Normally i would be fine, but now i just find my classmates or anyone in general just.. irritating. (I'm an introvert but, i never hated being near people. I was just shy.)

I'm okay with talking to people on the internet, but being near someone in real life (my classmates, teacher, parents ect.) I just, don't want to be near anyone anymore.

I have been spacing out a lot lately. Yesterday i drew 5 or 6 more slender pages. (or things similar to it.)

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