More research. . .

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(I was bored so I decided to research some more. I decided that instead of researching slenderman. Why not research something else.)

How does slenderman treat his proxies?"

Well, in the fandom Slenderman is seen as a "Father figure" towards his proxies.. but, that's not really how he treats them. He normally pretends like he cares for them but, he doesn't actually care. If one of them dies on a mission, he won't feel any remorse or sadness since he only see's his proxies as his slaves who do his work for him.

"What is a proxy?"

A proxy is a person, who has gone insane because of Slenderman or has fallen under the influence of Slenderman. A proxy's job is to leave, destroy, or clean up evidence that proves their existence.

Here are the types of proxies:

- Revenants
- Berserkers
- Agents
- Sleepers
- Hallowed

Revenants: Revenants are those who returned from the dead and use a human vessel to stay alive or proxies that have superhuman abilities.

Berserkers: Berserkers are the closest to traditional proxies. They are still slaves of slenderman but, they have enough of their own will left to have superior problem solving and tactics.

Agents: Agents aren't like traditional proxies. Agents appear to be the interpretation of cultists. Agents willingly serve slenderman even when he isn't controlling them.

Sleepers: Sleepers have their original personalities intact but, are left unaware that they are proxies. So basically they won't know they are proxies, but will still be under Slendermans control.

Hallowed: Hallowed are mindless puppets that are created by Slenderman. Their only purpose is to harass runners, they have no other purpose..

Who is stalking you?


- Amnesia (Memory loss)
- Slender Sickness
- Hallucinations
- Urge to draw the operator symbol
- See glimpses of him
- Hear static or ringing in your ears
- Devices keep glitching
- Feeling observed or watched

Jeff the killer:

- Wanting to see blood
- Homicidal thoughts
- Smelling bleach/burnt stuff
- Feeling watched
- Stomach pains


- Hearing whispers
- Hearing laughter
- Seeing a white mask
- Hearing footsteps
- Hearing knocking
- Hear low static
- Smell cigarettes
- Waking up in the middle of the night (for no reason)


- Hearing footsteps
- Stuff going missing or reappearing
- Smell of gun power?
- Hear a camera shutter
- See a red light flashing through your window (his camera)

Ticci toby:

- Hear metal against metal
- Hear whispers
- Hear ticking
- Hear Low static noises

Eyeless jack:

- Hear growling
- Smell rotten flesh
- Find black mysterious liquid
- Seeing blood
- Increased appetite

Laughing jack:

- See random candy appearing around your house (DO NOT EAT THE CANDY)
- Craving sweets
- Hear laughter
- See shadows
- Hearing the song "Pop goes the weasel" somewhere in your house or hear a music box playing

Ben Drowned:

- Electronics keep acting up
- See a trail of blood mixed with water?
- Lights flickering
- Hear water dripping
- Feeling cold
- Nightmares
- Unexplainable and random power outages
- Seeing shadows
- Family members start saying: "You shouldn't have done that." Or "You have met with a terrible fate haven't you?"


- Smell a sweet perfume
- See small puddles of blood
- Hear a little girl giggling or laughing
- Missing animal toys or plushies
- Find child-like drawings
- Hearing child-like songs


- Mood swings
- Animals start going crazy
- Feeling dread or despair
- Feeling nauseous

Bloody Painter:

- Wake up with a ":)" drawn on your face (with blood)
- Have strange dreams but, when you wake up you don't remember what happened in the dream
- Obsession with drawing
- Mysterious cuts appearing around your body.


- Abnormal pains
- Hallucinations
- Nosebleeds
- Smell burnt hair?
- Mood swings
- Religious items disappear or are misplaced

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