Bad news + dream..

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(Mar/17/2024) [Sunday, 5:04PM]

Okay y'all.. so um yeah Bad News is that I was right, I'm sick, again. Today I woke up with a very sore throat, i couldn't even swallow water.. and I also noticed that i have a bruise on my leg. I don't know how I got it, because i haven't gotten hurt.

So.. um about the dream it was pretty strange.

I had a dream about habit and slenderman possibly?.. well so basically what happened was that, I was in a room and with two other people or something, i don't remember but, slenderman appeared behind us and it started to talk to me telepathically.. i don't remember exactly what they said but I remember that they said: "My child" everything else is blurry.. and then once that dream ends, I see a picture of habit and he was just there smiling and he was holding that big machete or knife that he has. The dream ended there.

I genuinely haven't had Habit in one of my dreams in a while, so maybe he's trying to communicate with me again? I don't know really.. and about slenderman, i don't remember what it said but, I heard "My child" so I'm guessing that it was talking to me.. i think slenderman was trying to communicate with me in the dream but, since i have the worst memory ever i can't remember what they said..

Okay so there were two other people with me.. one was a black girl, with black hair and she had dark brown or blackish eyes? Her hair was very curly and it was put in like a bun, a messy bun. (I think it was my friend, Katherine or Katie for short) and then there was also a man there..

I don't really know if it was Katie.. or if it was a blonde girl? I don't know really. I can't remember, i remember.. a girl, very long, straight, blonde hair, I can't remember her face but, she had pale skin. And then there was the man with black short hair. I can't remember his face either. They were standing around something? And Slenderman was behind them. I'm going to try to draw something similar to what I saw in the dream.

 I'm going to try to draw something similar to what I saw in the dream

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Okay so it was something like this. There were two people standing around something in the center and slenderman was behind them. They didn't seem to notice that it was behind them. I don't know if they had a face or not so I just drew them faceless since i couldn't remember their faces.

I remember an image of Katie looking somewhere else and I was sitting in front of her. In the other scene, I was with these two people (the black haired boy and the blonde girl) and I was in the middle, in between them both and slenderman was behind me. I don't know why but, he was behind me. I didn't seem to notice him either, we kinda just stood around a table or something..? I genuinely don't remember.

(If this doesn't make sense then I'm sorry- I'm bad at explaining)

I think I might have an idea of who the blonde girl is.. i think it might be Toby's sister but, I'm not sure though. However, i have no idea who the black haired man is.

Well, I won't update until Friday.. again. Because of school. Bye!.. - Ollie/Hellen

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