Ages at risk + more. . .

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So.. I have been reading others research books and experiences about creepypasta characters and I decided to talk about them.

The ages where you could be at risk and where you would be most likely to see them.


(9 years or younger):

• They won't really care about you, so they will most likely ignore you, If you try to summon them they could get angry.. But, you should still be careful because there are Creepypastas who kill kids. Like for example: Laughing jack. So they will most likely ignore you because you are way too young.
Danger percentage: 1-8%

(10 years old):

• Again, still way to young, and they will keep ignoring you. Do not summon them because they could get annoyed.. You are still way to young, so go watch Coco melon.
Danger percentage: 5-12%

(There are a lot of 10 year olds who try to summon them. Thankfully I wasn't one of them.)

(11 Years old):

• Okay.. now they won't really ignore you but, they might start watching you. They won't show themselves yet or talk to you because you are still young. So they will most likely just watch you.
Danger percentage: 7-13%

(12 years old):

• Now.. They will keep watching you, But again they won't show themselves yet because again. Still way too young, but you are almost old enough. So in the meantime they will just watch you and might give you a few signs.
Danger percentage: 7-18%

(13 years old):

• You are almost ready, you just need 1 more year until things get very serious. They will keep watching you and they might give you glimpses of them. (Like how slenderman gives me glimpses of himself sometimes) However, they could show themselves but, not yet. They still won't talk to you.. but, they will possibly start harassing you or try to make you scared or paranoid in general. Slenderman will be watching you to see if you are worthy.
Danger percentage: 15-24%

(14 years old):

• Okay.. Now things are actually going to start getting serious. You need to be careful now because, things just got serious. They will start to show themselves and they will watch you. They will start harassing you and you will possibly start seeing them. they might talk to you and make sure to be cautious because from now on.. it's not games anymore. They will start stalking you.
Danger percentage: 20-45%

(15 years old):

• The same thing as 14 but, possibly ten times worse.. They will probably follow you and harass you, they will possibly try to talk to you now.. You aren't safe anymore so carry a weapon just incase if you are going outside alone at night.
Danger scale: 20-55%

(16 and 17 years old):

• They will follow you, watch you, harass you. You might start to go under slendermans control without knowing it. But, that's a possibility. They will possibly try to break into you're house, to watch you... If you try to summon them, there is a possibility that it will work and, have a weapon on you just incase if anything goes wrong.. If you start to lose a lot of chucks of memory.. then that could mean that slenderman is controling you or you are being stalked by him. Major amnesia is one of the symptoms. Be careful.
Danger percentage: 40-61%

(18+ years old):

• you will keep seeing them at times but, it will not be too often though.. by the time that you turn 25 years old, you will barely see them and might leave you alone.. well .. At least they MIGHT leave. They might not find a purpose for you so they will probably leave you alone. However if you are 18-24 years old, they will keep showing themselves at times just not too often and will keep harassing you. Danger percentage: 20-47%

Okay now for where you would be most likely to see them..

1. The woods / A forest = 90% (especially at night)

2. Abandoned places = 75%

3. Abandoned amusement park = 60%

4. Playground = 25%
(However if it's Slenderman then: 55%)

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