Der Größmann and Slenderman research.

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Der Großmann, (Der Grossman, The Tall man, or "The great man") is a mythical creature that is associated with woodcuts that were carved by an unknown artist in the 16th century in Germany.

They said that it portrayed as a tall, disfigured man with white spheres where his eyes should be, it looks similar to Slenderman. Der Großmann was described as a fairy of the black forest, who would abduct bad children that went into the forest at night, and would stalk them until they would confess their wrongdoings to their parents/parent.

The parents of the children, would always warn them to NOT go into the forest at night or "Der Großmann" would come take them.. If a child disobeyed their parents, it is rumored that "Der Großmann" would take them, chase them or follow them until they told their parents/parent about their wrong doings.


However, Slenderman is a tall man, with white skin, no face and wears a black suit with a black or red tie.. Slenderman is known to take/abduct/kidnap children.

Slenderman (Stick in the mud, The tall man, ect.) Has abilities.. these include:

- Selective Invisibility (can choose who see's him and who doesn't..)
- The ability to change height and body shape
- The ability to shape its arms into tentacles and/or the ability to sprout tentacle-like appendages from its back and shoulders to install fear into someone or to use them as another set of arms or legs.
- Can cause video and/or audio distortion when he is near.
- Space and Time-warping/ Teleportation between locations.
- Can teleport people to random places (Like in Everymanhybrid)

Originally, Slender Man would kill its victims by impaling them on the branches of very tall trees and allowing them to bleed to death. The victim’s organs would be individually removed and placed in plastic bags, which then returned to their original positions in the body..

Children: At first Slenderman will appear and will act friendly to the child to try and gain it's trust.. Then once it gains the child's trust, it will take/abduct or kidnap the child and then it will kill the child.

Adults: If a adult is getting stalked by Slenderman, it will harass the person and stalk it.. Normally, most of the time, the adults that Slenderman stalks have some sort of.. past trauma or had experienced traumatic experiences in their past. Slenderman will continue to watch the adult and stalk them, eventually Slenderman will abduct the victim and take them to a forest where they will be killed and hanged onto the tree.

People are also known to get a sickness called "Slender sickness"...

The people who have the so called: "Slender sickness" is known to be stalked by Slenderman.

"Slender Sickness" symptoms include:

- Coughing fits / Coughing up blood
- Vomiting / Vomiting blood
- Aches and pains
- Nausea/Dizziness
- Eye Trauma (Bloodshot eyes, vessel poping ect.)
- Deja Vu
- Extreme Exhaustion / Tiredness
- Common cold or Fever
- Major Amnesia
- Radiation poisoning
- Insomnia / Trouble sleeping
- Nosebleeds
- Violent convulsions
- Difficulty swallowing
- Painful breathing

Signs your getting stalked by slenderman:

- Staticy and/or glitching electronics
- Hallucinations (Mostly about slenderman or just seeing shadow figures like me)
- Slender sickness symptoms
- Feeling watched/observered
- Hearing ringing/static in you're ears
- Seeing the operator symbol
- Having dreams related to slenderman


Also I'm fine okay! I know you guys are probably or possibly worried, because of what happened in Entry 23.. I promise that I'm okay.. also I had a dream about the observer. He called me stupid. I hate him! >:(

So the dream was that I was in my backyard, Swain and the observer were in my backyard, I was in the backyard and it was daytime?.. I don't remember much but, I remember the observer saying something like: "You could join the collective, but you can't cause you are too stupid" I literally gave him a glare. I think the observer hates me or has beef with me for some reason? I'm not sure why.. Well "Observer"..

Jokes on you I don't want to join the collective..


Get fucked bitch!.. (Possibly going to regret typing this if he sees it 💀)

Bro if the observer see's this.. He's possibly going to be pissed off. (I don't feel safe typing on my phone anymore because of him. My phone keeps glitching. I feel like if I type something.. I feel like he's just monitoring what I am doing on my phone 24/7..)

Hopefully he doesn't get mad or sees this 😭

Also.. In the dream, The observer told me: "Hellen.. Today when you fall asleep, I will break into you're house.." and I immediately woke up.

Now that I think about it... IS HE GOING TO BREAK IN TONIGHT?! LIKE ACTUALLY BREAK IN? AND HE WAS TELLING ME IN MY DREAM.. Bro tomorrow I have school so I can't stay awake at night.. oh God.. even though my windows and doors are locked, Oh wait.. That's right. I CAN'T LOCK MY WINDOWS. SOMEONE CAN JUST OPEN IT FROM THE OUTSIDE. I have a dog but, still.. I'm still kind of scared now, what if he actually breaks in..

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