#Entry 18

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(Jan/21/2024) [Sunday 2:40AM]

The first thing that I'm going to say.. is that more operator symbols have appeared. I just came back from sneaking out, it was freezing outside, and I managed to take pictures.

 I just came back from sneaking out, it was freezing outside, and I managed to take pictures

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It appeared about the time that I made Entry 17

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It appeared about the time that I made Entry 17..

Also, I saw YET ANOTHER operator symbol on my window. But, then my stupid ass forgot to take a picture, I wanted to see if I could wipe it off and I wiped the operator symbol off.. And then the moment that i wiped the operator symbol off my window, i remembered that I forgot to take a picture... But, it was too late now- :')

But, either way besides the operator symbols that have appeared. When I snuck out I didn't really feel paranoid or had a bad gut feeling at all.. but, I did keep thinking like I was hearing someone or something walking behind me. (You know when you hear someone walking on leaves behind you. Well that's what I kept hearing) However, I didn't see anyone or anything.

At this point my mental health is just.. dead at this point. I have nothing.. but constant violent thoughts and urges.

Also.. now I'm wondering, who keeps drawing the operator symbol on the ground? I don't think it would be slenderman or the operator. But, it's just weird how they keep appearing out of nowhere..

Also for some reason.. I think time is going by faster for me.. because when I looked at the time.. it was 2:40 and now it's 2:53.. 13 minutes, it has felt like only 6 or 5 minutes passed.. this is just strange at this point.

My dog rose has been acting very strange lately. She keeps staring at that tree in my backyard (Normally at night).. sometimes, she starts barking and when I look outside there is no one nearby at all.. not a single person, so I'm not sure who or what she is barking at..

I feel nauseous and dizzy, every single day.. not a day passes where I don't feel dizzy.

My phone keeps glitching A LOT. I don't know what the fuck is wrong with my phone because, I haven't dropped it or anything but it just glitches at random times..

I'm pretty sure that I'm losing my marbles (going crazy), I can't stop thinking about.. gore or blood. I'm trying to get these thoughts out of my head but, they won't go away at all..

... I'll update soon. Bye...

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