H͜͡ɐb̺͆i͎t̶? 🐇

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Okay so this was a dream that i had which happened about 3 or 2 months ago? (I don't remember)

The dream was that i was in my house and i was arguing with my parents and i said stuff like: "i hate you! I'm leaving", "i don't want to see you again" ect. and then i left the house and it was raining outside (it was daytime) and then i left the house.

in another scene i was going back home when suddenly my vision turned purple and everything was on fire and i heard habits laugh and that's all i remember (The rest of the dream was just minecraft bs)

Another dream i had was about 4 months ago? (I genuinely do not remember)

it was about me being inside my house. (I was home alone) and i was just chilling and suddenly i heard something so i hid under the bed and then i saw that it was one of my classmates and i think i was planning to scare him so i grabbed his leg and he jumped and he looked under the bed and he saw that it was me and he grabbed me. "You scared me hellen." He got me out from under the bed and we talked for a while. Then an hour later?? (I think) he left and i was walking to the bedroom and on the window i saw a hand and then i ran away and i went to my room, when suddenly i heard a knock on my window and when i opened it i saw habit and he had his lil white hat (The cuban looking white hat) and he looked at me smiling and he had a knife in his hand. "Habit?" I said. He smiled and he started to open the window and the dream ended there.

another one was about.. i do not remember. 5 months?? 4?... whatever.

it was about me and my friends playing hide n seek and i was hiding under the bed? (I think we were playing hide n seek i dont remember.) Then when everyone went to hide and habit came through the door and he went over to where i was hiding (under the bed) and he grabbed me and he got me out from under the bed and he looked at me. "Uh..hey.." i looked at him (i think in the dream i didnt know who he was) he told me that his name was Evan.. (Evan is the vessel that habit possessed) and the dream ended there..

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