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One crazy ass update coming right up!

The song is So Far-Ólafur Arnalds
(play da song)

Enjoy the chapter!

P.S. I love yuhs.


It was dark.

Utterly and completely dark.

I floated in blank space, at peace with where I was. No pain, no suffering, just nothingness. It was alright until I became aware that I was alone, detached from my sense of self. I couldn't feel any type of connection anymore and I panicked, struggling to get out of the darkness. Something bright shone at the corner of my eye and I looked up, seeing a circular light. I dove for, barreling against the sea of black. I tried to move towards it, but I felt myself being pulled back by something, Fear.

It crept up behind me, screeching sounds of pure malice. It's claws dug into my flesh and tried to force me deeper into the darkness. Below, I could hear more screams and I forced myself to look down at the ominous scene. Ghastly hands reached out for me, groaning and screaming in agony. I fought, kicked, and screamed, careless of the fact that no one would hear me. I panicked when I saw that light dim, telling me that I didn't have much time left to escape from what waited for me below. Focusing all my thoughts on that light, Fear had no place to fester and flourish. I carefully swam, drifting towards the light. It seemed as if the closer I got the further away it moved. I started to swim faster, in dire need to touch it.

I reached out for a tendril of light that stopped in a beam directly in front of me. Once I did, the light got closer and closer to me, to the point where I couldn't keep my eyes open. Feeling the heat of it on my skin I welcomed it and soon, I felt ribbons of it encase my skin and bring me even closer. Bracing myself, I opened my eyes again and gasped when I realized that it didn't hurt to look into it. As I drifted closer, I finally made out what I was staring at. When the ribbons placed me down, they got sucked back into a hole in the sky, a hole that was revealed to be the moon. It was full and shone high in the sky. The glow illuminated everything with a sliver blue tint.

I looked around to see that I was in the middle of a forest, standing in front of a creek. Massive trees stood tall and mighty to the sky and the silent splashes of water were the only source of noise. No animals, no birds, just the forest and the moon.

"Is this Heaven? Where are the clouds? Baby Jesus?" I scratched my head as I took in the scenery.

Soon, I heard a clattering noise and I turned in the direction, coming face to face with a woman who was staring at me already. I shrieked and stepped back, clutching my heart that pounded slower than usual. I felt for my pulse points, which were nonexistent. Why was I like this, Where am I!?

"Your heartbeat is next to nothing, but you wonder why you still stand, yes?" The woman said. I stared at her in complete astonishment. It was as if she was made from the moon herself. Her skin glowed a silvery alabaster, her blue hair that fell to her back in waves resembled the dark sky around the moon, and her gown was made out of ribbons of light, leaving one shoulder exposed. Her eyes were dark but within them held the deepest of navy blues.

"Y-yes" I forced out, marveled by her captivating beauty.

"You are on the verge of death. I couldn't have you die, so I brought you to me before it was too late." I froze in place and realized that my breaths were slow and faint.

"I'm dying?" I said, eyes wide with fear. Not yet, it's not my time yet, I can't die! I knew I had something to live for but, I just didn't remember what.

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