The End of Things To Come-Chpt.39

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I'm back, heh.

There's only one sentence that will explain my absence....

Japanese and Korean dramas.

With that being said, I present this long, lovely chapter to my wonderful readers as compensation.

Pls understand and gimme luv yall, I missed you guys.

Enjoyyyyyy, <3


As I laid down, I thought about when the conception of the child took place. Over the course of the trip, he and I slept together two...four...six times?

Hey, it's not my fault that the díck was too bomb.

Although it was sudden, I was exceptionally happy that this child happened to me. The timing however, wasn't right at all. I wasn't supposed to find out this way, on my own and next to a beast that would've forced me to do heinous things, for his pleasure. I was supposed to show symptoms, and force him to run down to the nearest pharmacy. Seeing the pregnancy test show up positive, I would've captured his reaction on video and then celebrated after.

I knew without a doubt that he'd be so excited, when we were discussing out future he said that he'd make sure that I'll have at least 3 pups. Mates are expected to have children anytime after they complete the bond so I'm not freaking about how unexpected it was. This baby actually saved me.

Jason and the doctor entered the room after being gone for a long while. I managed to freshen myself up in the nearby bathroom because I felt unbelievably filthy. To my own surprise, it was equipped with a small shower, a disposable toothbrush and toothpaste, and a change of clothes, my clothes. Why is Jason so damn creepy? Did he plan to keep me locked down here?

Once he stepped into the room, my jubilant mood had dimmed as his dark aura hung in the air. Jason's expression was blank, while the doctor looked pallid, lacking the flushed color in his cheeks. Their little conversation must've turned out pretty bad since the doctor looked like Casper's twin.

Stopping in front of me, the doctor proceeded to tell me important details about my condition. God, it still felt so surreal. I was expecting my first child.

"Since this is a hybrid child, when he or she will be due is partial dependent on the moon. Your baby bump will grow at an accelerated rate.The average carrying terms based on the few records that I have on hybrid births in the past 20 years is 4 months. I found that is is common for the birth to occur on a waning moon, rather than a full moon.

You must also eat larger meals, now that you are eating for two. This child in particular, requires a lot of chemical energy to grow because of how powerful it is. With that being said, eat as much as you can, drink plenty of water, and get a lot of rest." He continued to supply me with tips and health routines, while he did so I noticed his clipped tone. Jason most definitely said something to spook him.

Glancing over my shoulder, Jason stood in the corner of the room. He looked a damn mess. His hair was disheveled, he was chewing on his nails, and his blue eyes were now a deep shade of indigo. The hell is wrong with you?

He stared off into space, mumbling things to himself. Becoming aware of his odd behavior, I turned my attention back to the doctor and sat up straight. I honestly expected him to come back in and unleash hell on me for stifling his plans but no, he remained eerily quiet and looked everywhere else but me, with his eyes glazing over. He was mind linking someone and it had him on the absolute edge.

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