chpt. 36 (II)

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Heyyy readers, I decided to split 36 into two parts, 37 will be better off on its own. I decided that I might end the story around chapter 45 and then an epilogue will follow, MAYBE!

While I continue to plan, I hope you all enjoy part 2! There's a little surprise P.O.V. towards the end ;)



"We need to go help our Alpha! Let's put an end to this Raven mutt, put him out of his misery." I resisted the urge to chuckle as the two men restraining me couldn't make up their minds on what to do. My father had came to rescue us, I didn't care about my own return, I needed to make sure that she could go home. A huge fight ensued, blood stained the concrete and the furs on each each wolf going head to head like savages. As expected, my pack had the upperhand in size and continued to push Jason's forces back.

Using all the strength I had left, I whipped around and grabbed the guards by their throats. Sinking my extended claws deep into their flesh, they choked and gasped for air. They tried to claw my hands down to the bone, but even in my weakened state I was still significantly stronger than them, for now. I was over exerting myself once again so I had to get my Mate back, fast. I jerked my hands upwards, disconnecting their heads from their bodies, watching them crumble pathetically to the ground. Their blood had splattered across me but I didn't have time to revel in it, spotting my Mate being dragged away I took off in her direction. I wasn't at full speed, but I still managed to make it to her in time. I tried to hide the fact that I was suffering from exhaustion and felt my senses going haywire, I had only one goal for tonight.

"Give her to me, now." She stared at the heads in my hands and then back to me. Throwing them to the side, I glared daggers at him. He scoffed and before I knew it, more of his men came rushing out of the brush. The lot of them were heading towards the action ahead and 2 torpedoed straight for me. Sweat continued to ooze out of every pore in my body.

I'm running out of time.

Looking back at my Mate, I saw the fear and disgust that was plastered on her face, Jason had her arm in a death grip. I didn't know what to do at this point, there were two wolves coming to rip me to shreds but yet I just wanted to cradle her in my arms, she came first. My strength wasn't enough, my Wolf whimpered because he knew it too. I heard several shots close by and swiveled my head in that direction, seeing those very wolves drop to the ground like flies. I saw Marcus and my father approaching us with their gun barrels up, they had fired the shots.

Suddenly, I felt a wave of dizziness wash over me and I knew that I had overdone it again. My headed pounded and it felt like my equilibrium was shifting against me. I knew what was about to happen next so I sought out her fading link with the little energy I had left and apologized, truly and deeply apologized. I couldn't save her while she stood right in front of me, and I couldn't save her from the grinning fúcker that stood beside her. Guilty wasn't even a big enough word to describe what I was feeling. I was a failure.

I failed her.

Then my world faded into nothingness.



I couldn't sleep, how could I? How could I possibly rest comfortably in the house of my captor. I wanted to escape more than anything. But if I attempted to, there were too many disadvantages. I had no idea where I was, I couldn't feel the pack or my connection to Rayne anymore, and I knew for sure that Jason would hunt me down. If I miraculously made it home, he would wreck havoc on everyone that I loved and cared about. If keeping them all safe meant that I had to stay here, then so be it. A huge part of me wanted to try anyways, to see if I could beat the odds.

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