chpt. 2

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Humans weren't required to bow but could show acknowledgement in someway or form for the Alphas. I was in the front by the window so Rayne didn't see me yet. As he neared me, I couldn't help but feel...warm and anxious. He was walking towards the empty seat up front...which happened to be right next to me. He's freaking gorgeous.

"Thanks sweet stuff," he said winking at me. Lord take me now. I did not just say that out loud!

In that moment I just wanted to teleport my ass out of here.

"Um I'm so sorry about that," I said embarassedly. I can't believe I just blurted that out!

"I'm Ashlyn Black, my father is the chief chairman on the council. If you need anything just let me know." I said with a small smile still trying to recover from my epic fail.

"Rayne, it's a pleasure to meet you Ashlyn," he said gazing deeply into my eyes. I don't know what just happened but its like our eyes just locked into place on each other. His eyes turned black for a second and disappeared. He blinked a couple times and then cleared his throat.

"Are you ok? Your eyes-"

"It's nothing, don't worry about it." he said with small smile. That was really weird but I nodded and focused on the lecture.

That was a lie because I couldn't focus at all. This boy was fine as hell. He had to be at least 6'0", he had sunkissed skin, well defined muscles that were evident underneath his snug t-shirt, dark brown hair that was styled in a messy coif, and an ongrowing beard that made him look manly and very sexy. What was even more attractive about him was his eyes. They were light brown, almost hazel. During our introduction, the way his eyes shined at me made me think that he knew me already, recognized me. I felt the same way when Ella mentioned his name and now actually seeing him, it made me feel even stranger. While he spoke I had tried to focus on his eyes and not his full pink lips. I caught him glancing at me a couple times so there was no doubt that there was an obvious form of attraction between us.

"Ms.Black? Ms.Black!" Professor Hall called out. I hadn't realized that I was so caught up in my thoughts.

"Uh yes Professor?" I said embarassed by the unwanted attention that was on me now. The whole class was looking at me like I shot up the place.

"What's the opening line to Hamlet's third soliloquy? Get this wrong and you have an essay to do to earn credit,"

Crap. I couldn't remember where we left off because I was too busy thinking about the super hot guy sitting next to me.

"That's unecessary. 'To be or not to be is the question' is the opening line." Rayne said before I could reply. He really stood up for me?

"The question was directed towards Ashlyn, Mr.Michaelson." Professor Hall said boldly. I looked at Rayne and saw that he had a challenging glint in his eyes towards him.

"You knew she wasn't paying attention but you called on her anyways, to embarass her in front of the class. Childish ass move for an evidently balding, 40+ year old man." Rayne said with a smirk on his face. The whole class started laughing and I sat there trying so hard not to laugh because the professor looked like he wanted to fight. I can't believe Rayne really stood up for me like that.

"I'm 43 and I'm not bald, i'm thinning!" Mr.Hall said with a death glare.

"Whatever you say..." Rayne replied unconvinced. The class bursted out into laughter and I joined in briefly before Professor Hall gave me a pointed look. I then turned my focus to Rayne.

"Thanks for standing up for me, you didn't have to-" I started before he cut in.

"Please it's no problem, I didn't want to see you get in trouble for something so stupid." he said with a smile. I smiled back and I couldn't help but feel special that he came to my rescue.

A few boring lectures and horrible acts later, the bell rang and I was off to the MMA gym. Before I left, I heard Rayne call my name.

"Hey do you know where the MMA gym is? Still the new kid here," he said and we both chuckled.

"Follow me, I'm on my way there now. You're looking at one of the top three fighters," I said proudly.

"Top three? No one remembers number three. It's all about number one which is my spot." He said with a cocky smile.

"We'll see about that." I said unconvinced as we exited the classroom. Walking down the hallway, I got jealous looks from all the girls that were swooning over him earlier. Were they reading into him being around me more than I was? I was just showing him the way to class no big deal....I walked past Ella and she winked at me. If this girl doesn't check herself! I started feeling a little self conscious and Rayne picked up on it.

"Don't worry about them, they all want what they can't have." He said proudly. I rolled my eyes and laughed. He was something else.


I've been apart of the MMA gym for almost 4 years now. The gym trains the wolves to defend themselves and learn useful tactics in times of danger. I joined because I wanted to learn defense and they looked pretty badass while they sparred. I didn't want to be defenseless in a town where I was outnumbered by wolves. It was also a safety measure that all the children of council members had to take. I changed into a black sports bra, leggings, and sneakers then soon wrapped my hands and wrists with medical tape. I smoothed my curly hair into a ponytail on my way out of the locker room. Looking up, I locked eyes with Rayne who tossed a wink my way. I shook my head and saw that he was speaking to the manager of the gym who handed him a locker. I got a little excited at the thought of seeing him all sweaty and agressive-STOP ASHLYN. I shook off the thought and went over to Kevin, Ella's twin brother and my pity of a sparring partner.

"Ready to get your ass kicked Ashlyn?" I raised my eyebrow.

"You shouldn't be talking after I sent you home with your tail between your legs, literally."

He opened his mouth and closed it. I whooped him so good last time the thought made me so proud because I was strong enough to overpower a werewolf who's strength is significantly greater than humans. We made our way to the center mat and got in our defensive poses. I leaned forward and crouched down as Kevin dropped into a quarter squat with his fists up. He threw the first punch and I easily missed it and counterattacked with a kick to the gut as he swung at me.

He stumbled back but quickly recovered as grabbed my hips and flipped me over his shoulder. I landed crouched on my toes and kicked my leg up right where the sun don't shine.

"SWEET BABY JESUS MY MAN JEWELS!" He shouted as he landed on his knees.

I took this as my oppurtunity to pin him down to the floor for 10 seconds and the referee signaled that I won. Piece of cake.

"That's a shame Kevin, you got soft." I said with a smirk.

"I didn't get soft I got violated by your damn shin!" I laughed as Kevin rolled from underneath me and limped away. I sighed then looked around the gym.

"Where's a challenge when you need one?" I said to myself.

"Right behind you." I turned around and there was Rayne, with a cocky grin plastered on his face. I crossed my arms. He doesn't know what he just got himself into...

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