Chapter 40

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This isn't the final chapter guys, I owe you all so much more.

I can't even begin to explain how grateful I am for each and every single one of you who's supported me, voted, left me inspiring comments and so on. I can assure you that you'll be very happy with the epilogue and I've mentioned before that I have another interracial story in the works! This is not the true end my friends, you'll see more from me :)

Thank you everyone who waited patiently for update to my story, this chapter is dedicated to all of you.

Love you all tons, Ash <3


My words of protest came out a muffled, incoherent mess because Jason clamped a firm hand over my mouth. Through the various bites, licks, and wrestling against his grasp a huge part of me knew that it was futile, but I simply refused to give up. He continued to drag me against my will to briefly stop in front of elevator at the end of a long hallway. Frustration diffused throughout my body as I moved further and further away from the window, the window that fueled my optimism despite my current position.

"Nope." He snapped, struggling to hide the impending fear in his eyes.

"While your pack is getting slaughtered out there, you insist on staying inside with your lost cause." He didn't speak, but stayed eerily silent as he stepped inside. I planted my feet firmly on the ground, I wouldn't stop fighting until I saw my Mate. Looking at me blankly, he gave my wrist a forwards tug and into the elevator I went.

Eye roll.  Really?

          "What the hell do you know?  Almost half of my wolves are gone, all of my territory is being overrun, and I can't even have my army because of that mutt." He said, close enough to me that I could feel his hot breath on my face. I scoffed loudly, wrenching myself away from his grasp.

"Who's fault is that?" I said in one breath. This man's breath smelt like a belly button(I know you guys know that belly buttons don't be smelling right).

"Anyways, wash-watch your mouth. That 'mutt' you speak of is my baby daddy. You shouldn't provoke a woman who's carrying a super baby." I continued, crossing my arms in defense. He stayed silent, aggravating me even more. The elevator doors slipped open and immediately, the stench and overwhelming scent of death flooded my nostrils. I clamped my nose together, taking in the gruesome scene before my very eyes.

"So you did have a dungeon after all...." Chains hung from the ceiling of the stone wall room, a table lined with glimmering surgical tools was placed in the center of the room to give the room the dash of evil that it needed. Sanguine streaks stained the cool tile beneath my feet and I followed it's trail... to a rotting corpse in the corner of the room It made sense as to why it smelt so putrid  inside...

It was a torture room.

And he brought me here out of all places.

" I here?" I asked, my eyes glued to the corpse in the corner. Flies roamed and made a meal out of the unknown persons flesh. I had to fight the urge to gag, the smell was so pungent that my eyes were watering. Ignored, make it out of here alive.

"To speak to you somewhere private." He said while dragging the dead body out of my sight, with his bare hands.

"About what? I don't think it matters anymore in your current situation..." I stared at him, slightly stunned by how he handled the body.

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