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"Stephen this is a bad idea."

I follow him down the hall but he's been ignoring me. Our fight was probably one of the worst we've ever had. And that's saying something.



He snaps his head around to me.

"You know what. You could be ruining this girls life." I say. "She deserves to live a normal life."

"We don't have time."

He starts walking again. This has been our norm. We get into an argument and he walks away. I'm not letting him this time. I follow him into the library.

"This is a young girls life we are talking about, Stephen, not some toy!"

"She is the Violet Witch! She is our last hope!" He yells. "It's time."

"Wanda's dead.. because you pushed her too far where she couldn't come back."

"This time will be different."

I shake my head. The Scarlet Witch and Violet Witch go hand in hand with one another. Both powerful Nexus beings that have power beyond anyones belief. 

But one always has the upper hand and that is the Violet Witch because of what other species she is. We both know that this young child has power beyond anyones understanding. 

Wanda died because she couldn't handle the Chaos Magic. Stephen thought she could and kept pushing and pushing until she couldn't take it anymore.

"I called a meeting."

He finally turns to look at me.

"You had no right!"

"I had every right! This is a child's life we are talking about!" I yell. "Her mother doesn't know that she is not even biologically hers. How do you think she will feel when we tell her what her daughter is destined for? That we chose her at random to birth this child for our own selfish needs."

"We don't tell her the full truth."

"And you think that'll turn out great for us?" I ask. "We will be ruining their lives."

"We don't have a choice."

"We always have a choice! It's always what you want!" I yell. "Are we forgetting what she is? Who her biological father is?"

I turn around as Mordo appears.

"They are here."

"Bring them in."

Moments later Charles, Tony, Black Bolt, Namor and Reed walk in. Stephen doesn't say a word as we all head down the hall to what I call our unofficial office.

"What was so urgent that couldn't wait another two weeks?"

"We found the Violet Witch."

They all look at one another. It's a bunch of mixed reactions. None of them know that Stephen and I found her while she was still in the womb of a very powerful and evil witch. Killing her and preserving the fetus was something I never imagined doing.

"She needs to be trained."

"She's a child."

The first two to start going at it are Charles and Reed. At least Charles and I have the same point of view.

"We saw what happened to Wanda. What is to say it won't happen to.. what is her name?"

"Olivia McCall."

Charles slowly nods his head.

"We know the danger she could be if she trusts the wrong people. Her power is beyond what Wanda's ever was." Stephen says. "Our universe is at stake if I do not start training her. We created this group to protect our universe and keep the multiverse intact."

"We didn't create it to turn young children into weapons."

"Anybody want my opinion."

I glare at Tony.

"Please.. go on, Tony."

It doesn't matter what anybody says Tony is going to give his two cents anyway.

"I agree with Strange."

"I'm sorry?" I say. "You agree with him? The world is truly ending."

"Maybe one day she could become an Avenger." He shrugs. "Bottom line is, is that if she is what you say she is then she needs to know what she is. We all know the threats that may come.. and it's her job to protect our multiverse."

"It shouldn't be. She's a child."

"It doesn't matter, Clea."

I look at Stephen.

"The prophecy has been foretold since Chthon created the Darkhold.. it doesn't matter what she wants. It's her duty to do it."

I want to pull my hair out. I warned him when we took in Wanda. And now she's dead.

"Olivia is more powerful, stronger than Wanda was.. than all of us. It needs to happen."

"Fine.. it's always whatever the big bad Sorcerer Supreme wants."

I storm out of the room.

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