20| Do you think I'll win?

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Lizzie and I walk into the hospital to see Allison asleep on one of the chairs outside of Lydia's room. I clap and she jumps.

"Why, hello there, sunshine." I smile. "You look.. like shit."

"You're too sweet, Liv."

"How's Lyd?" Lizzie asks. "Mel hasn't really given us any updates."

"Speaking of the devil."

My mom rounds the corner. I smile and hold up a bag of food. She sighs and takes it with a huge smile.

She always forgets to eat while working. If it weren't for Scott and I, I highly doubt she'd eat during her shift. She's too focused on helping people.

"My favorite daughter. Thank you, sweetie."

She kisses the side of my head.

"How's, Lydia?"

"She's up but.."

"Do they still not know what happened?"

My mom looks at Allison and shakes her head. I glance at her and look back at my mom.

"Can we see her?"

"She's taking a shower right now. You girls just wait in the lobby and I'll come get you?"

We all nod before walking away. I take out my phone to respond to Scott's text when I see Stiles text. I try to hide my smile but they both see it.

"Is that Stiles?"


"You're such a bad liar when it comes to him."

I roll my eyes. I can feel them both staring at me but I don't give in. I know they're just waiting for me to crack but I refuse.

"Oh my God." Lizzie gasps. "Just admit it! We can all see it. Scott is just too dense to."

I stay quiet.

"You like Stiles." Allison teases. "Say it."

"Fine! I love Stiles!"

I realize what I said and slap my hand over my mouth.

"I beg your finest pardon?"

"Not a word about this to Scott?" I say. "You hear me? Absolutely fucking nothing."

"This is gold!"

"Fuck both of you."

I look up as nurses run around. Something clearly happened. They all look frantic.

"What happened?"

"I don't know."

My mom speed walks towards us.

"Lydia is gone."

"What do you mean she's gone?"

"She just ran off."

I stand up and run towards Lydia's room. Lizzie and Allison follow me, closing the door. It's like Lizzie reads my mind because she locks the door before I even ask.

I twist my hand, holding it up to my face and blowing. We watch as Lydia sprints from the bathroom and out the window.

"So, she's naked?"


I swipe my hand before turning to Allison and Lizzie. Lizzie looks completely unfazed to the magic but Allison looks astonished.

"That's so cool."

"I still can't believe your parents are okay with us being friends."

"They don't really have a choice." She says. "Now, let's find Lydia before my dad does."

We walk out of the room and out of the hospital. I smile, seeing Stiles' Jeep. I slam my hands against the hood. We climb into the Jeep. Scott takes a whiff of Lydia's hospital gown Stiles apparently took.

"Will they actually kill her if she's not turned?"

"I don't know."

"I don't think she's a werewolf. I would've felt it. But there is something different about her."

"Scotty, we going the right way?"

"Take your next right!"

Nearly Scott's whole body is out the window. Stiles stops the car. The five of us getting out following Scott's lead. I stop, looking at the old Hale house.

"Look at this." Stiles kneels down and points out a wire. "I think it's a trip wire."

I flick the wire to see if anything will happen.



I turn around, instantly laughing. Scott's hanging upside down.

"Next time you see a trip wire. Don't trip it."

"Sorry." We all walk towards him when I grab Stiles arm. "Someone's coming."

Lizzie grabs Allison and we go behind some trees. I don't have to look out to know it's Argent talking to Scott.

It only lasts a minute before he walks away. I'm the first out from behind the tree's. I throw an energy blast at the string as Scott crashes to the ground.

"A heads up would've been nice."

"Sorry.. again."

Our search for Lydia comes up empty handed. I bring Allison home before going to my house. I look over at Lizzie.

"What's wrong?"

I don't really know what's wrong. I feel fine for the most part. Except for the crippling feeling that I'm literally being targeted.

"Do you think I'll win?"

"Against Ursula?"

I slowly nod. I don't think I've ever doubted myself so much.

"Do you realize how many people would come to your aid to fight?" She asks. "We're talking hundreds of sorcerers and witches, thousands of vampires and werewolves.. and family."

She grabs my hand.

"You've got us. I meant it when I said you're my sister. I don't think I've ever had a connection with someone like this, not even Josie."

"You're my sister too."

"Where's bad bitch Olivia? Because this is not her."

I laugh and she lets go of my hand. I look in the rear view mirror and see Stiles walking up the driveway.

She notices him too. She gets out and runs into the house. I get out of my car and smile as Stiles nears with a single flower in his hand.

"That for me?"

"I thought we could finish our dance."

"Who knew you were such a lover boy?"

"Only for you."

I take a step forward, closing the small distance between us.

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