3| Stalk much, Stilinski?

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I walk down the hall as Isaac follows me like a puppy.

"The answer is still no, Lahey."

"Come on.. it could be great."

I stop at my locker, smiling when I look at him.

"I don't date benchwarmers."

"I can make first line."

"Yeah and when that happens.. pigs will fly."

"Perfect!" Lydia squeals. "Just the gal I was looking for."

I turn to her and she's glaring at Isaac.

"Can I help you?"

"Uhh.. no."

He walks away and Lydia turns back to me. She starts talking about her party on Friday.

I listen ever so intently because Lydia Martin throws the best parties in all of Beacon Hills. We head down the hall as she continues.

"Anyways.. you clearly didn't sleep well. I've got concealer."

She pulls out a small tube from her bag, dabbing one dot under each of my eyes before blending it in.

"There's my pretty best friend."

"You keep me humble, Lyd."

We continue down the hall when she stops to talk to the new girl.

"Oh my God.. that jacket is totally killer. Where'd you get it?"

I tilt my head looking at the girl in front of me. She's pretty.

"My mom was a buyer for a boutique in San Francisco." She smiles. "I like your necklace."

I touch the pendant on my neck. The necklace was actually a gift from Charles when I turned sixteen. He gave Bella and I matching ones.

"Thanks." I hold my hand out. "Olivia but you can call me Liv."

She laughs while shaking my hand.

"And this gorgeous red head is Lydia."

"Oh! I'm having a party this Friday, you should totally come."

Allison starts to talk when Jackson comes out of nowhere and I internally groan. To say I hate Jackson Whittemore is an understatement.

I actually got suspended for breaking his nose last year. He wanted to get me expelled but let's just say I used my magic to get out of it.


He smirks and I clench my fists.

"Liv.. anger management." Lydia whispers. "Don't."

I bite my tongue and take a deep breath. Jackson makes me so angry for absolutely no reason. His face is just asking to get punched.

"Anyways.. you should come."

"Uh, I can't. It's family night this Friday. Thanks for asking."

"You sure? I mean, everyones going after the scrimmage."

"Like football?"

I shake my head.

"Lacrosse is the sport played in Beacon."

"Football is a joke here." Jackson says. "We've won the state championship for the past three years."

"All because of the team captain."

I refrain from throwing up at the affection Lydia is giving Jackson.

"We have practice in a few minutes if you wanna watch?"

I turn around when I feel like our conversation is being listened on. I look around until my eyes land on Scott.

I haven't seen him since leaving the preserve. I didn't even see him this morning before I left for school. But something feels off about him.

"Come on, Liv."

Lydia grabs my arm and yanks me away. I grab my jacket because apparently we are watching lacrosse practice today.

I sit in between Allison and Lydia, scrolling through the unanswered messages I have yet to respond to from Kate.

She's been wanting me to come to Avengers Compound to train with everyone. Well, with all the future Avengers which consist of Cassie Lang, Kamala Khan, Morgan Stark and Peter Parker.

Kate's always been the older sister I never had. She's the oldest out of any of us at twenty years old. Although we aren't officially the Avengers yet, I think it's pretty clear she'll be our leader when the time does come.

"Who's that?"

"Him? I don't know."

I look up to see who Allison is pointing at. I turn to Lydia and roll my eyes.

"Seriously?" I turn to Allison. "That's my brother Scott. Total dork and benchwarmer."

"Benchwarmer? He seems really good?"

She clearly needs glasses because Scott has never been good at lacrosse. He loves the sport but doesn't mean he's good at it.

I put my phone away to pay attention to practice. He's in goal right now and is catching every single shot that makes its way to him.

Maybe I need glasses. Scott is terrible at lacrosse. I love him because he's my brother but the boy has never been good.

And then all of a sudden he is? Something is wrong. Clearly.

I walk down the bleachers and walk to Stiles. I sit down beside him, not really wanting to look at him.

"What's wrong with Scott?"

"What do you mean?"

I finally look at him.

"He's terrible at lacrosse.. and I mean so are you but that's a story for a different day." I say. "What the hell is that?"

He shrugs. I don't know why I thought he'd have an answer.

"Okay.. whatever. I don't care anyway."

I stand up but he yanks me back down.

"Already becoming friends with the new girl? You don't even like people."

"Stalk much, Stilinski?"

His eyes scan over my face and I jolt up.

"Whatever.. tell Scott that I'll pick up something for dinner."

I start to walk back towards the bleachers when I get the feeling I'm being watched. I look around the field and no ones looking at me. I shake the feeling and sit back next to Allison and Lydia.

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