9| I am Melissa McCall's daughter!

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I look behind Allison at Stiles.

"Hello? Earth to Liv?"

I snap back to our conversation.

"Huh?" I say. "Oh.. yeah. Umm.. blue."

"You think I should wear blue?"

"It goes good with your skin."

I look behind her again but now Stiles is looking at me. I quickly look away.

"Are you okay?"

"Super." I smile. "I actually gotta go home. My mom needs help with something before work."

I walk away and head to my car. I drive straight home. I walk inside and my mom's already at work. I look at the note she left on the fridge.

I head up to my room to change. I hate being in the house alone. I know Scott's got the double date tonight which means I'll be alone.

I decide to go on a run to clear my head from everything. I'm almost back to the house when I feel like someone is watching me.

One of the things Strange told me that by activating the werewolf curse is that they would know too. They being my biological fathers family.

I start running again until a woman stops in front of me. She's got long blonde hair and blue eyes.

"I'm terribly sorry." She has an accent. "I'm lost."

"Uhh.. where are you trying to go?"

Nothing seems out of the ordinary about her. She seems normal? But my guard is still up.

"I'm looking for.." She pulls out her phone. "This address."

I immediately recognize the address.

"The Frost house?"

"I'm a real estate agent."

I slowly nod. I don't buy it. I direct her to where to go. I run straight home and lock the door behind me.

I walk to the kitchen to get some water when someone knocks on the door. I slowly walk towards it.

"Livvy!" Stiles yells. "I know you're home."

I roll my eyes and open the door. He stands on the other side of the door with a single rose in hand.


He hands the rose and walks in.

"Go on a date with me."

"Excuse me?"

"Don't act like I'm imagining things."

I look at the rose in my hand. He's not imagining things. I should've never went as far as sleeping with him. It gave him hope. It gave us hope.

And even now after he knows everything, because I told him the same time I told Scott when I got home, he still wants this. He wants me. Knowing what I will become.


"Look at me."

I take a deep breath and look up.

"I've been in love with you since I've met you. Do you remember the day my mom died?"

I nod. I don't know how I could forget. My mom took Scott and I to visit her on her last good day. I knew she didn't have much left. I could feel it. She was barely holding.

"She gave me something."

He pulls something out of his back pocket. I can't see what it is. He's staring at it.

"She told me it was one of the first things my dad bought her when they started dating. They started dating about our age.." He smiles. "It was when she realized my dad really loved her. And she told me to give it to you when I'm ready."

"Why me?"

"She joked about how she wouldn't be able to attend our wedding but.. with this a part of her will be there."

He reveals a bracelet with beautiful blue diamonds all over it.

"Tell me you don't feel the same and I'll forget it.. I'll forget everything."

Now is my chance. My chance to be happy again. But do I deserve it?

"Stiles.. I don't know if this will work."

"Why not?"

"Scott will kill us."

I don't realize how close we are. It's only matter of inches. He grabs my hand, pulling up my sleeve. He puts the bracelet on my wrist. I look up and he leans down.

"Where did this confidence come from, Stilinski?"

His lips brush against mine.


He leans closer and our lips mesh together. My hands find their way to the back of his neck. The front door opens and I push him away. Scott looks at us confused.

"What are you doing here, Stiles?"

"I forgot one of my notebooks and he was bringing it by."

He slowly nods.

"I gotta get ready for my date."

Stiles heads towards the door and winks. I turn around as he walks out.

I look around when my mind goes back to that woman from a little bit ago. I throw a portal and walk through it.

I walk towards the Frost house and see the same woman from earlier sitting on the steps. She looks up and me and smiles.

"I knew you'd come by."

"So, who the hell are you?" I ask. "Because I don't buy the whole realtor thing."

She nods.

"Do you know anything about you father's family?"

"My dad is an FBI agent.. and so was his dad... and his dad."

"Your real father."

"He is my real father.. no matter how much our relationship has changed. Who are you?"

She stands up.

"The Original family.. also known as the Mikaelson's. A powerful family that everyone is terrified of."

"Not everyone."

"You're a Mikaelson.. you are Klaus' daughter.. his only child."

"I'm not Klaus Mikaelson's child. I'm his offspring. A product of a monster and a witch having a one night stand. Klaus has known about me for years and still does not care."

She shakes her head.

"Klaus is your father whether you like it or not.. he is your blood."

"He is no father to me."

"You are his daughter!"

"I am Melissa McCall's daughter!"

"Do you think she'll still love you when she finds out what you are?"

I scoff. I don't doubt that my mom would love me through everything.

"What is your point of being here?"

"Kol.. Freya needs another-"

"I'll stop you right there. I'm not helping you or whoever this Kol is. You are not my family. The Mikaelson's are just strangers to me."

"You will need us."

"I don't need anybody."

"How do you think the Blackthorn witches found you so easily?"

I look at her confused.

"How'd you-"

"At least we'd protect you while they're trying to kill you."

She hands me a piece of paper.

"Klaus may not care about you.. but we do."

She walks away. I turn around to say something but she's already gone.

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