23| We'll figure it out

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I finish straightening my hair. I look in the mirror as Stiles appears behind me. We're both late for school because he decided he wanted to wait for me to get ready.

He ended up spending the night after we interrogated the Blackthorn witch for the second night in a row. She isn't giving anything up but Lizzie's spell makes sure she won't be able to go anywhere.

I tilt my head up as his hands go to my waist. I try not to smile but I want to so bad. The way his fingers dig into my skin make me want to do things.

"Quit giving me that look, Stilinski."

"What look?"

He's trying to act innocent but he's far from. I know that look all too well. I turn around as his hands go down to my ass. Who knew he was so touchy touchy. I sure as hell didn't.

"I love you."

"Y-you love me?"

I never got to say it at the dance, and even since then I never really had the chance to. But here we are. Alone in my bathroom with all the time in the world.

"Don't make me say it again, Stilinski."

"I wanna hear you say it again."

"You're a dork."

My smile falters. I think about the future and what it holds. It's so unknown. I've already activated my werewolf side which means there's only one left to do. And it's something that will change the future of us.

"Hypothetically.. would you still love me if-"


"I didn't even finish the question, Stilinski."

"Doesn't matter. Nothing, and I mean nothing, will ever stop me from loving you."

"You know when I activate my vampire side.. Stiles, I'll stay that way forever." I whisper. "I'll stay the same and you'll grow old.."

He moves his hands to my face.

"We'll figure it out."


"We'll figure it out."

I slowly nod. I don't want to keep thinking negative but it's hard not to when it comes to him. He's always been my weakness and that's terrifying.

"Come on."

He pecks my lips and leaves the bathroom. I follow him out to the Jeep. The drive is mostly silent expect for his hums.

He kisses my cheek before leaving me to go to the boys locker room. I make my way to the girls locker room to change. I run out to the gym to find Stiles already beat me.

I stand next to Lizzie and Lydia. I watch Allison and Scott climb up the rock wall. After they're done Coach looks around for his next victims.

"Uhh.. Stilinski, McCall, you're next."

"I'm not climbing up that."

"I didn't ask."

"Neither did I.. I'm. Not. Climbing. That."

Coach and I have a small staring contest. I keep my composure until he gives up.

"Fine. You kinda scare me, McCall. Erica, go."

I smile as Stiles and Erica go up to the wall. Erica stares at it like she's not too sure of herself. Stiles climbs it with ease but Erica starts crying. I look at her and feel bad. She's always had medical issues her whole life.

"Erica. Dizzy? Is it vertigo?"

"Vertigo's a dysfunction of the vestibular system of the inner ear. She's just freaking out."

"I'm fine."

"She doesn't sound fine." Allison smacks my arm. "Ow!"

"Coach, maybe it's not safe. You know she's epileptic."

"Why doesn't anybody tell me this stuff?"

"You're literally the teacher." I snap. "Why wouldn't you know?"

He glares at me before coaching Erica into climbing down. Everyone goes to the locker rooms to change. I grab Allison's arm as everyone else leaves. Lizzie stays back after noticing I wasn't behind her.

"Are we not going to discuss that creature you saw the other night?"

"Are we going to ignore how much time you've been spending with Stiles?" She asks. "Don't think I didn't notice."

"Fine." I snap. "I'm dating Stiles. Now, what the hell was that creature you saw?"

She smiles and I hear Lizzie muffle her laugh.

"Fuck.. both of you."

We all go outside to an empty table. Allison talks about the creature her and Scott saw in the Lahey house.

"Have you heard of anything like that?"

I shake my head. I've heard of a lot of different kinds of species ranging from wendigos to literal demons but nothing like she's just explained.

"And while we're on the topic of boys.." Allison turns to Lizzie. "Did Isaac seriously not tell you he is a literal werewolf now?"

"No.." She pouts. "A real shame.. my mom would kill me if she knew I was dating a werewolf. She dated a werewolf when she was younger. He was kinda cute but Klaus ended up killing him.."

I look at her as she shakes her head then smiles.

"Klaus is your biological father, right?"

I slowly nod. I told Allison everything after the whole debacle in front of the Hale house. It makes me feel guilty that I told her before Scott.

"Have you talked to your actual dad?"

My relationship isn't the best with my dad. Not since he left town. But it didn't always use to be this way. I was always his little girl.

"He texted me the other day but I didn't respond."

"Scott doesn't like talking about him."

"Yeah.. he kinda hates our dad."

I look behind her at Stiles waving his arms in the air by the front doors.

"Hey, I actually forgot I need to talk to Lydia about.. something. K, love you, bye."

I get up and walk towards him.

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