6| Because you have anger issues

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I'm sitting on the island, staring at the door. Scott didn't come home last night. I don't really know where he is. I assume he spent the night at Stiles. They both walk into the house as I jump off the counter.

"My favorite dip shits."

"I'm your favorite though, right?"

I try not to smile when Stiles nears me. I cross my arms, staring at Scott.

"You're a werewolf?"

"H-how do you even know?"

"I'm a witch."


He stares at me like he didn't hear what I said. He looks at Stiles for some sort of clarification. I tilt my head and his eyes widen.

"Aren't witches ugly?"

I glare at Stiles.


"Does mom know?"

"Of course mom knows. Why do you think I go on my little 'anger management' seminars for weeks during the summer and winter break?"

"Because you have anger issues."

He may be a little right.

"She didn't want you to know. So.. you act dumb about it, okay?" I say. "But that's not the point of this conversation."

I'm not surprised he didn't tell me. He probably didn't even know what was happening to him. But at the same time I'm a little hurt he didn't even try confiding in me.

Our relationship has gone off the rails. We're siblings who don't really talk. It's like I don't really know him anymore and he doesn't know me.

"You could've told me, Liv."

"Why? To add another thing you dislike me for?"

"You're my sister.. of course I don't dislike you."

"That's a lie. You've always been quick to point out my faults.. this is one of them." I take a deep breath. "The point of this conversation is that I need to protect you and you need to trust Derek."

"I'm sorry.. how do you know Derek?"

I don't bother looking at Stiles. I go on to explain the whole situation. They both are speechless by the end. It's a lot to take in, I get it.

"You're the Violet Witch?" Scott asks. "And you have this.. magic? Inside you? That's like super powerful?"

"I'm still stuck on the fact that you're a witch."

I figured it's best to just tell them the whole truth. Scott's now a part of the supernatural world and I'm supernatural.

"You've killed people, Liv."

I shrug.

"It's not like they were innocent."

"You still killed them."

I roll my eyes because of course Scott wouldn't understand. I had a choice, Strange told me I didn't need to. But I did because I didn't see a way to save them. Sometimes evil can't be changed.

"They deserved it and I rid the world of their evil.. thank you, next."

"There's always another option."

I lean against the counter, staring between them.

"There is.. but what's the fun in that?" I ask. "See.. sometimes people don't deserve to live after what they've done to others. And I know that's a hard concept to grasp but not everybody can be saved."

"Did Bella know?"

My words get stuck in my throat. I don't usually willingly talk about her. Even now it still hurts.

"How do you think she died?"

"They said it was an accident."

I slowly nod. Bella's death was far from an accident. It was a well thought out revenge plan.

"She was attacked for what Emma did to the mutants that killed Bella."

"What happened to them?"

"I killed them." I whisper. "I didn't even think about it. I couldn't feel her heartbeat anymore and.. it was the first real time I lost control. It was like one big blur."

I look at Stiles expecting him to look at me like I'm some monster but instead his eyes are soft.

"I'm sorry."

I turn back to Scott.

"I.. I didn't know."

"That's the reality of being something powerful.. people will come after you."

Scott holds the back of his hand up to me. I smile because it's something we haven't done in forever.

"We stick by each others side. It's us against the world."

I tap the back of my hand twice on his.

"Forever and always."

"Forever and always." He repeats. "McCall twins for life."

"And Stiles."

We both look at Stiles. He smiles holding up his hands for high fives. Reluctantly I give him a high five.

Castles Crumbling | S. StilinskiTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang