36| I can rewrite reality.. I think I can

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"Are we really doing this?"

I look at Lizzie and smile while adjusting my suit. I've taken it upon myself to just go at Ursula when she's least expecting it. I only told Lizzie about it.

I've also given her specific instructions to kill me in the instance we do actually find her so I can become the tribrid.

"Liv, this is crazy."

"It's really not."

We continue through the woods. I stop and look around. I can sense that magic was used here recently. It's a really faint scent which means they've probably been gone for days.

"We should just go home."

"Since when are you one to run away from conflict?"

"When conflict means you becoming the tribrid."

I turn around to her. I throw my arms up. I really don't know what else I'm supposed to do.

"I have no choice. The Order Magic in me will help me defeat her."

"Liv.. you'll become a vampire."

"Yeah, I know."

"No. You don't." She snaps. "You'll live forever. And I'll have be the only one left out."

I forget that Lizzie's mom is a vampire. I envied her for the sole reason she will never have to say goodbye to the one she loves.

"And the merge. I probably won't even win it.. and I just-"

I don't think I've ever seen Lizzie so stressed. We got off topic really quick here.

"Wait, is that why you're stressed? Because of the merge?"

"Josie's so much stronger and smarter.. and I'm dumb."

Maybe we should've stayed home. I should've realized there was something wrong. I lower my head and take a deep breath.

"Lizzie, I will do everything in my power to make sure you don't lose the merge."

"You can't."

"I can rewrite reality.. I think I can."

"The consequences-"

"Are worth the risk to keep you alive." I say. "You're my sister.. I'm not letting you lose in that merge."

"You mess with reality and it messes back."

"I'm willing to face any consequences I need to."

"I'm not asking you to do that for me."

"You're not. I'm taking it upon myself." I smile. "Now.. let's kill the bitch who's after me."

I turn around and continue walking. I stop, practically smelling the magic nearby. I walk until I see what looks to be an abandoned grounds.

I look at the blocks of wood where a fire was. I walk towards it and hover my hand over it. It's still warm, which only means they were just here. They must've known we were coming.

"What now?"

"I don't know but I want that bitch dead."


I turn around to Lizzie pinned to the ground by men in stealth suits.


I throw energy blasts at them as bullets enter my body all over from different angles. I fall to my knees. I keep throwing energy blasts until the men are off of Lizzie.

More bullets enter my body as I try to stop them. I feel weak. The bullets must be laced with wolfsbane.

My vision starts to blur. I see them insert a needle into Lizzie's neck and she falls to the ground.


"Your turn."

I feel a needle enter my neck. It only takes a few seconds before my vision is completely gone.

Castles Crumbling | S. StilinskiWhere stories live. Discover now