10| Stiles, I'm gonna kill you!

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I look around the corner and see Kate Argent getting out of her car. When Derek told me the background of the Argents I almost couldn't believe it.

Allison doesn't know about any of it but she will soon. Derek said the women are the ones who lead in their family.

"You know I can just kill her right here, right now, right?" I say. "And make it look like an accident."

I turn around waiting for Derek to respond. He looks at me like I said the most outrageous thing known to man.

"And how do you think Scott will feel about me knowing I turned his sister into a murderer?"

"This wouldn't be my first time killing someone. So, technically you wouldn't be turning me into a murderer."

"Wait, what?"

I shrug.

"Don't think too much into it."

"We're not killing her."

"Fine.. are we going after him or not?"

This really isn't how I was expecting to spend my night. I could be laying in my comfy bed but no. I'm out chasing this stupid Alpha.

We start running through the abandoned warehouse. Eventually we end up on the roof when I get a glimpse of the Alpha. I throw an energy blast just as Derek is shot.


His name comes out as a whisper yell. I jump down trying to find him but can't. I start to panic, running down the street to my car.

I start speeding home when I see blue and red lights in my rear view mirror. I pull over when I see Noah get out of the car.

"Fuck me.."

He walks to my window as I slowly roll it down.

"It's a little late for you to be out driving around."

"I was thirsty.."

"Does your mom know you're out driving around?"

I shake my head. It's easy to get away with sneaking out since she really isn't home.

"She's at work.. working a double."

"Get home, Liv."

He looks at my wrist that's still gripping my steering wheel. He leans against my door.

"I remember when I bought my wife that." He smiles. "Blue was her favorite color."


"I'm well aware. Claudia took it off and had me bring it to the jewelers to get cleaned. I'm just glad you finally realized."

"Realized what?"

"What we all knew.. you and Stiles are meant to be."

"Please, don't tell Scott."

"Secrets safe with me, peanut."

He kisses the side of my head and walks back to his car. I drive home with Noah right behind me.

I pull into the driveway with him parked on the side. Be waits until I'm inside before leaving.

I go up to my room and check my phone to see a text from my mom. I groan while clicking it.

Mama: Keys on my nightstand.

Of course Noah texted her. I walk down the hall to her room, putting my keys on her nightstand. I walk back to my room. I pull my phone out to text Stiles.

Castles Crumbling | S. StilinskiHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin