11| It was for your safety

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I told my mom I needed to go to New York for the weekend because Strange and Clea needed my help. I hate lying to her but I really don't have any other choice.

I'm far from New York. I'm in New Orleans with complete strangers. Why I'm here is beyond me.

Freya let's go of my hands as she finishes the spell. I slowly back up as Kol sits up. Davina runs to him. I watch in awe as he wraps his arms around her. His eyes slowly open and look at me.

He mouths a 'thank you' and I slowly nod. I look around the bar and walk towards a wall of pictures. I smile until my eyes land on one of a man and woman.

"Caroline Forbes.. the one woman Niklaus couldn't charm."

I quickly look at Elijah.

"He looks happy."

"They are." He points to another picture of them with two little girls. "I know it may sound hard to hear but they're happy raising Caroline's daughters together."

"I don't care to meet him. So.. it's not hard to hear."

"You can fool everyone else but not me."

"It sucks ya know.. I was my dad's little girl growing up and then he just leaves. Not even my biological father wants anything to do with me."

"They're missing out."

I turn around to everyone else. I came here to help Freya with Kol but that's not the only reason I came.

"Tell me everything you know about the Blackthorn witches."

Freya takes me upstairs and pulls out a book. She talks about the origins of the Blackthorn witches. They first appeared over two centuries ago. They dwell in dark magic and are considered to be some of the most dangerous witches alive.

"You were first prophesied by Chthon in the Darkhold.. did Stephen tell you the full truth?"

"I'm guessing not."

"Dark magic was essentially created by my mother, who was the Original Witch. She saw it in a vision.. that the creature known as the tribrid would be from our family."

"That doesn't really explain why my best friend was resurrected."

"Blackthorn witches do not abide by laws in which we are meant to follow. You mess with time.. with death.. it always finds a way to make things even."

"If Bella is alive.."

"She is not the person you knew before."

Tears start falling down my face. I finally accepted her death. I know I couldn't keep dwelling on her death but that doesn't mean it doesn't hurt.

"So.. what am I supposed to do? Fight her?"

"That is entirely up to you but Ursula will use her against you."

"I thought-"

"Ursula is alive. Clea did a shitty job killing her. She wants what she believes is hers."

"Which is?"

"Your Order Magic."

"You're joking, right?"

She hones her eyes on me and I know to shut up. I look at my hands because I don't really know what else to do.

"You're a Mikaelson by blood, Olivia. We are here to help you.. we know you didn't ask for any of this."

"I know."

"Thank you for helping with Kol."

"Davina was very persuasive."

"She can be."

"I need to go back home.."

She slowly nods. We walk out of the room and head down the stairs. I see Rebekah arguing with someone. He turns around and I laugh.

"Now, you're here?"


Klaus starts to walk towards me but I hold my hand up, freezing his body.

"Don't say my name." I snap. "You don't have the privilege."

I let go of his body as he continues to walk towards me but this time Elijah steps in front of him.

"You never cared to be my father.. now is not the time to start acting like it."

"It was for your safety."

"I'm not here to get to know each other.. at least Rebekah and Davina had the balls to face me. You didn't even try."

He shakes his head. I can feel his guilt but I don't care. I don't want to know him. I know what he's done with his life. Before he decided to settle down with Caroline, he was a monster.

"You're a monster.." I say. "I've helped save countless lives on this planet but you.. you've taken the lives of innocents for fun."

I look at Davina who's next to Kol.

"Perfect time to go home."

I throw a portal and walk through it.

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