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Guys, before u read this chapter, I don't entirely know how the legal system works. So, if this wouldn't be legally possible in real life, just pretend it is, please. And if you can't figure out what subpoenaing is (cause its really hard to read), you can just look it up.

[Jacob POV]

Since I got called into work yesterday on my day of, Calvin reassured me I could have today off, and he wouldn't ask me to come in. I took him up on his offer and figured that instead of sitting at home the entire day, I should at least go get the mail. I told Luca while he was brushing his teeth, walked down to the apartment offices, opened our designated mail compartment, and carried all the papers back. To be fair, there were a whole lot because I hadn't gotten the mail in a couple of months. Since we normally don't get much. But when I set it on the coffee table, I saw a legal envelope on the top. It had the stamp of our county's courthouse on the top and was addressed to Luca. I know you're not supposed to open anyone else's mail, but I felt like that wouldn't be a big deal since we live together.

I pulled it out, and it started by talking about how the police department was taking Kayden to court to charge him for the rape he talked to his co-workers about. Apparently, Kayden had been riding with a rookie and started complaining about me and Luca cutting him off. And when the rookie asked why, Kayden said, and I quote, "He says that I raped him. But it really doesn't even matter if I did, because even if I didn't, Jacob would've backed him up,".

So, basically, Kayden just admitted it. And then the rookie, obviously, reported it, then the police team started an investigation, saw that the dash cam was on when the conversation went down, and was now pressing charges. So they were subpoenaing Luca. I took a deep breath and set the letter down before going to find my fiance and explain this. He was sitting in the bathroom sink, brushing his hair.
"Baby, I need to talk to you about what I got in the mail," I said, leaning on the doorway and instantly getting his attention.

"What happened?" He softly asked, turning around so his back was to the mirror now.
"Um... There was a letter for you saying that you have to show up for Kayden's court hearing. His department is charging him because of what he did to you," I explained, ripping the bandaid off when it came to explaining.
"What...?" He asked, tears filling his eyes, "I don't -" was all he managed before he started actually crying.
"I know..." I softly consoled him, stepping closer to him and rubbing his back. "You'll get through it. I know. You're so brave, baby. If you get through it, he'll have to leave you alone," I tried to comfort him. He started sobbing before reaching up for me. I didn't hesitate to scoop him up and carry him to the living room.
"Shhhh," I shushed him, sitting on the couch with him in my lap. One of the quickest ways to calm him down is to give him a pacifier, but he needs to be big for this conversation.
"I know it's a lot, Luca. But, you need to breathe. Right? Can you copy me?" I asked, modeling big breaths for him. I gently pressed his head against my chest so he'd feel it rise and fall. It didn't take hours to calm him, but it felt like it.

"I know you're feeling so much. You're doing so good for me. That's exactly it. Just breathe with me," I continued for a while after he was much calmer.
"I'm scared..." Luca openly admitted.
"I know, hun. I'll be right there the whole time. Nothing bad will happen to you," I reassured him. He didn't say anything else and just rested against me.

Three days later, Luca had to go meet with a lawyer to debrief how it would go and what it would all be like. And for the legalities of making sure he can be a credible witness or whatever. I was allowed to be in there with him as long as that's what Luca wanted. And he told me he did. We sat down across from a girl in a dark blue suit-esque outfit. Her name was Lauren Valentine, and she was really nice.
"Okay. So I'm Lauren. Today, I'm really just going to ask you some questions. Alright? They'll get a little personal, so you can ask for a break anytime, and we can take five. Does that sound okay?" She asked.
"Yeah..." Luca quietly answered, holding my hand under the table.
"How did you know Kayden?" She questioned.
"We dated for a while," Luca answered. I noticed he started tapping his foot again. He was doing it in the waiting room, too.

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