My solace - 7

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Read previous chapters to understand. <3


Abhira and Yuvraj reached the room where Yuvraj furiously pushed Abhira inside. 

"How dare you Yuvraj!"  Abhira screamed.


"I-" Abhira was cut short by the picture Yuvraj showed. 

"Who is this." Yuvraj questioned her in the angriest tone. 

"It's R-rohit.." She muttered under her breath.

"Who?" Yuvraj asked louder. 

"ROHIT!!" Abhira stopped. 

"Who?" Yuvraj grabbed her wrist. 

"Leave me you jerk." Abhira screamed. 

"Not until I know who this man is." Yuvraj said pressing the bracelet against Abhira's wrist making her flinch.

"I'm not a 4 year old kid..who needs instructions. I know you're mad but Rohit's my 2nd grade friend. I happened to bump into him and I really had to know about his well being." Abhira said tearfully.

"Are you sure baby? Yuvraj smirked. 

"Y-yeah..Yuvraj please.." Abhira stuttered. 

"Alright, I'm sending me men to track his every's for you love." Yuvraj said before closing the lights and lying down. 

Abhira froze..No..No if this happened Rohit's life could be in danger. She cursed upon herself and knew that if anything happened to Rohit, it would strongly be her mistake. Abhira tried explaining the same to Yuvraj but he went all deaf ears. Abhira got nightmares of Yuvraj torturing Rohit and she not being able to do anything. At around twelve thirty am she got a SMS from a user named "Charlo" 

Message -  "Hii bhabii..rohit here! can you come outside to the lobby?? I've sent some drugs through the room service. Once they arrive give it to Yuvraj either in the water or injection. It will make him unconscious for about 4-5 hours.Also get Yuvraj's phone if ok.:)" 

Abhira's eyes lit up seeing the message, she carefully unlocked the door and saw a lady with a package. Abhira happily took it and carefully assembled it in the washroom. She then walked towards Yuvraj and injected it in his arm making him sore.She grabbed her ourse and took his phone with the keys. After that she changed into a formal dress and locked the door. She took the lift and rushed down to the Hotel's bar to see Rohit waiting for her. 

"How did you do this??" Abhira grinned. 

"Anything for my elder sister." Rohit answered going through Yuvraj's phone. 

"Bhabi if you realize one thing, Yuvraj got a notification that you are not in the room and it also shows that 4 hours ago when you were talking to me..he got a god damn notification.."  Rohit explained. 

"Wait..I understand how this is working." Abhira replied

"Here..I've blocked the IP tracking system and disabled no matter how hard he tries he wouldn't be able to download or identify if it's there or not."

"Since when did you become a hacker?" Abhira joked. 

"Ever since my life changed-" Rohit paused

"What's the point bhabi? let's focus on getting out of here.." Rohit said. 

"No no..we can't" Abhira said worriedly 

"Why not?? he's unconscious for 4 hours and we have a good chance.." Rohit stopped.

"No Rohit, he might be unconscious but he's horribly terrible..the terror would rise if he doesn't see me around here. He might kill us for escaping and I can't let that happen." Abhira said sipping her vodka. 

"Well're safe from his intense tracking so i guess that's one step towards freedom right?" Rohit doubted. 

"Yeah..." Abhira sighed. 

"Soo can't you go somewhere out of India? if that's ok.." Rohit questioned. 

Abhira was lost..she didn't know who to rely on. She came for Rohit's brother's wedding but for the same person who kicked her out? She thought why she did that when she swore that she and the poddars were never gonna come again in her life yet she chose to break her heart one last time.  


" I came for Armaan's wedding..he's getting married to Ananya. Yuvraj's younger sister." Abhira said controlling her tears. 

"WHAT THE HECK BHABI??" Rohit said slamming his hand across the table. 

"Rohit.." Abhira tried calming him down 

"No bhabi..seriously?? what kind of person is even if he wanted to move on he could've chosen some other girl why yuvraj's sister?" Rohit asked

"I don't know Rohit..maybe Dadisa forced him." Abhira said

"so? he's not some 5 year old kid who can't differentiate between right or wrong. Bhabi I might not be with you in this decision to go back to bhai..I know every single thing what happened an year ago so please for your self respect and happiness please don't go back there. You never got any respect even when I was there for a are my elder sister and I can't see you getting hurt because of my family..sorry." Rohit cried.

"Firstly Rohit, going there was my decision and I'm strongly doing so. The Poddars are my family too and I love them..Dadi sa, maa saa, chachi sa, bua sa etc every single person has a special place in my heart i can't forget them even if i want know, at one point of time I actually had a self respect in the house and I've seen how much they care about someone they love. Rohit I appreciate your concern and love towards me but please don't go against your family for me..i'm just a stranger, about Armaan. Your bhai loves his family unconditionally and I've felt that every single time. There could be many reasons why he chose to marry Ananya which we don't know..please don't hate your bhai..go home.." Abhira explained. 

"Why bhabi? on which right? they might love me but what about bhai and Roohi's affair?? why didn't bhai ever tell me. You know when I introduced Roohi to Bhai..they acted like complete strangers like they never met. Do you think I would be able to heal from the scratches my own bhai gave me? love gave?" Rohit said sadly

"Rohit..please if you're mad on your brother don't punish your ma sa and dadi sa right? " Abhira explained. 

"Nah bhabi..I moved on and so they did. I don't remember seeing any "missing" cases over me after a week of my disappearance.. is that care? is that concern? is that love? leave it bhabi i don't wanna spoil your mood with my rants. I deserved better and I'm living on my terms." Rohit said sarcastically. 

"I won't force you Rohit." Abhira said 

"Thank's getting late..been an hour already. I don't know when the drug's effect is gonna be over so please go bhabhi or it wouldn't be safe for you.." Rohit said

"ok..and for tomorrow?"  Abhira asked taking Yuvraj's phone. 

"You will find out tomorrow bhabi.." 


Yeyy!! 7th chapter of my solace series<3 
AbhiMaan's reunion is literally close so don't quit with lost hopes lol 
slow updates due to busy schedule :) 


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