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[Jacob POV]

When we pulled into the apartments, I let Luca put my hoodie on since it went past his boxers. When we got into the apartment, I gently pecked his lips. I didn't expect anything other than an innocent kiss. But when I pulled away and Luca pulled me in for more, I was tempted to escalate.
"You wanna tell me something?" I asked after pulling away again, getting a cheeky grin and a shrug.
"Are you sure you don't wanna beg me to fuck you?" I asked. He pulled me to sit on the couch before climbing in my lap and kissing me roughly. Normally, he's pretty submissive when it comes to everything related to sex. But, I really don't mind when he's a little bossy. I slid my hand down his boxers, rubbing my fingers over his hole.
"I know you want my dick in you, baby," I mumbled after he pulled away from the kiss.
"Can you be gentle?" He asked, making me grin.
"Of course," I answered, pulling down my own pants.

After a little while, the mood shifted. I was in him, but it looked like he wasn't in a good mood anymore. And I could see it in real time.
"Are you okay?" I asked, going still.
"Yeah. You can finish if you want," He tried to assure me, fighting the tears that filled his eyes.
"Baby, if you changed your mind, that's okay," I said, pulling out and putting my boxers back on. I wasn't hard anymore anyway.
"I'm sorry," He softly mumbled, sitting up and bringing his knees to his chest.
"Honey, what happened?" I asked.
"I just started thinking of what happened when I was little, and I don't even know why," He explained, panic creeping into his voice. I rubbed his shoulder and softly kissed his cheek a couple of times before saying anything.
"You don't have to know why, Bug," I told him as he rubbed his eyes.
"But Luca, I need you to tell me when you wanna stop in the middle of something. Can you do that for me?" I asked, hoping that if I asked him this way, he'd feel less guilty about wanting to quit before either of us get off.

"I know you don't wanna make me sad. And that's why I need you to remember that it's okay to wanna stop for any reason. Even if you just change your mind. I don't wanna put my sexual satisfaction over your mental state," I explained, making him nod. "I like when you tell me you need to stop. I don't like making you feel icky,"
"Yeah... Hold you?" He asked, taking little gasps for air while trying not to cry.
"I'll hold you," I agreed, scooping him into my lap. I flipped on a cartoon and rocked him until he took his nap, which I used as a time to text Spade about my new work schedule.

That Tuesday was my first day. It wasn't anything super crazy. Most of the calls were for medical emergencies rather than fires. I was at the station from 5:30 am Tuesday to 5:30 am Wednesday. So, I spent my time between calls sleeping or doing things with the guys I was working with. We mostly played card games that ended up getting interrupted, and then when we got back, nobody knew whose turn it was or the score. So we'd just start a new one.

But after I clocked out, I drove to the apartment, unlocked the door, and laid down next to Luca in my bed. I already kicked off my shoes and pants in the living room, so I was ready to go straight to sleep. But Luca was tangled in the blanket, so when I had to separate it from him, he woke up.
"It's just me. Go back to bed, my love," I whispered to him, using more affectionate names than normal. Being away from my fiance for 24 hours straight makes me miss him, so I think in this case it's acceptable.
"Dady..." He mumbled, clumsily climbing onto my chest and then getting comfy. It didn't take more than a minute for both of us to fall asleep. When I woke up at 10, Luca was still asleep next to me. Which made me smile. As much as he hates his naps sometimes, he loves his sleep.
"Baby," I cooed, softly shaking Luca awake. He stirred and looked up at me before sitting up.
"You need to eat. C'mon," I mumbled, picking him up.

"Dady, I want my sippy," He whined as soon as I stepped into the hallway.
"Did you leave it in there?" I asked, internally groaning a little when he nodded, but turning around and going back to find it anyway. He was a little loud with his wants, but I was alright with that. At least this way, he's communicating.
"Mango or pineapple?" I asked, holding up two different fruit cups.
"That one," He slurred, pointing at the pineapple. So I handed it it to him and told him to hold it for me.
"You can have cereal or pop tarts," I said, grabbing an Ensure from the fridge. I shook it for a second while he decided.
"Cereal," He decided, biting on the mouthpiece of his sippy.
"Hand me it, please," I said, getting a little frown as he set it in my outstretched hand. I very quickly washed it before pouring the Ensure in, screwing the lid on, and then handing it back to Luca.

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