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Siddharth's pov!

The elegant restaurant exuded an air of sophistication, the soft glow of the overhead lamp casting a warm ambiance over the room. Across the table sat Bhavna, her expectant gaze fixed on me as she waited for me to speak. She looked excited as this was the first time I called her out for dinner. It is usually her who asks me out and if it is convenient for me, I join her.

Little did she know that tonight would mark the end of our dalliance, a mere footnote in the pages of my life.

I cleared my throat, my expression devoid of emotion as I reached for the small gift box placed beside me.

"Bhavna, there's something we need to discuss," I began, my voice as detached as ever.

Her smile faltered, a hint of uncertainty flickering in her eyes.

"What is it, Sid? Is something wrong?" She asked, her tone tinged with concern.

I offered her the gift box without a word, a silent signal of what was to come.

"I brought this for you," I stated plainly, my gaze fixed on her as she opened it with trembling hands.

Inside lay a delicate piece of jewellery, a trinket meant to signify our time together. But to me, it held no sentimental value, merely a token of our fleeting connection.

"It's over, Bhavna," I stated bluntly, my words cutting through the air like a knife. "Our relationship has run its course. It's time for us to part ways."

Bhavna's eyes widened in shock, her bottom lip quivering as she struggled to process my words.

"What do you mean, Sid? Are you breaking up with me? But why? Everything was going well, wasn't it?" She asked, her voice barely above a whisper.

I nodded, my expression impassive as I met her gaze head-on.

"I have been clear from the very beginning that this isn't anything long term. It's best for both of us to move on." I replied, my tone devoid of any hint of remorse.

Tears welled up in Bhavna's eyes as she struggled to come to terms with the sudden end of our affair.

"But Sid, what we have is good. Why does it have to end so abruptly?Please don't do this. Please give us another chance." She pleaded, her voice cracking with emotion.

I remained unmoved by her emotional display, my resolve unshaken as I offered her a dismissive shrug.

"That's not an option, Bhavna. Our relationship has served its purpose. It's time for us to go our separate ways. It was good while it lasted, but the ending is inevitable." I stated coldly.

"Is it because I questioned you about what happened in the archive room, Sid? I shouldn't have. I am sorry. That wouldn't be repeated." Bhavna said in a placating tone.

I stiffened when she mentioned the archive room incident. The way Parinidhi's body was pressed up against mine when she fell on me. The feeling of her so close to me. I could still feel the warmth of her body against mine.

Damn it!

"Please, Sid.."

As Bhavna continued to plead with me, I felt nothing but a sense of detachment. There was no regret in my decision, no lingering affection for the woman sitting across from me. She was merely a temporary distraction, a footnote in the grand scheme of my life.

In the end, Bhavna's pleas did little to sway me. For I was a man of logic, not sentimentality. And as I watched her struggle to accept the inevitable, I knew that breaking things off was the right decision for both of us, especially when I have started getting attracted to another woman.

What's the point of continuing this? Even if it is a no-string attached relationship, I was adamant about maintaining fidelity, both physical and emotional.

"If you wish to get transferred to another branch of Rey Designs, Mukul will make arrangements for that." With that said, I settled the bill and left after arranging for Bhavna's transportation back to her apartment.


Parinidhi's pov!

"Did you hear the gossip?" Swati asked in a stage whisper while I was sorting through some files which are older than Rey Designs.

Mr Siddharth Freaking Raichand wanted me to computerise the files I had pulled out of the carton boxes in the archive room. To make the room look presentable, I had gotten rid of the carton boxes and arranged the files beautifully on a shelf.

I curse myself for doing that. Seeing those files, which belonged to Raichand Industry owned by Mr Raichand's father. Siddharth Raichand wanted me to enter all the details of those five hundred plus files onto the system.

As I meticulously sorted through the ageing files, frustration simmered beneath the surface of my calm exterior.

Siddharth Raichand's request to computerise the records felt like an unnecessary burden, an additional task imposed on me simply to satisfy his whims.

Why on earth did he need all this information digitised when the company doesn't exist anymore? Was it just another way to assert his dominance, to make me jump through hoops for his approval? Of course it is. Do I even have to wonder about it?

I cursed him silently in my mind, resenting the extra work he had saddled me with.

But just as I was about to sink deeper into my thoughts, Swati's voice pierced through the silence of the room like a sharp needle. Her stage whisper drew my attention, and I looked up, intrigued by the sudden change in her demeanour.

"Did you hear the gossip?" She repeated, her eyes gleaming with excitement.

I raised an eyebrow, curious.

"What gossip?" I asked, setting aside the file I had been working on. I have always loved listening to juicy gossip. Uh, who doesn't?

Swati leaned in closer, her voice dropping to a conspiratorial whisper.

"Apparently, there is some juicy drama unfolding here" she began, her tone filled with intrigue.

"Tell me already," I said impatiently.

"Rumour is that Mr Rai dumped Ms Bhavna Chavan. Apparently, they aren't together anymore.."


Here goes the next shot..

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