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Siddharth's pov!

"So? How is Nidhi at work? Is she troubling you, Mr Raichand?" Parinidhi's aunt asked and I saw Parinidhi glaring at her aunt furiously.

"Why do you think she troubles me, Mrs?"

"Mrs Chawla. Bhadra Chawla. That is my husband, Anand Chawla. He was an army man. He passed away in a war years ago." Mrs Chawla said, proudly pointing at the framed photograph on the wall.

"And why do I think she troubles you? Because she troubles everyone." Mrs Chawla said with a laugh.

"Bua.." Nidhi hissed at her aunt.

"If she troubles you too much, just get hold of her ears, Mr Raichand. That's what I always do and it works." Mrs Chawla said.

"Oh definitely, Mrs Chawla." I said sipping on the tea, smirking at Parinidhi and she scowled at me.

"Bua, Mr Raichand has another meeting scheduled for him. Let's not delay him." Parinidhi said, eager to shove me out of her house.

All this was a new experience for me.

All my life, I had been swarmed by women, who couldn't have enough of me. And here is someone, who couldn't wait to get rid of me.

"Thank you for the tea, Mrs Chawla. It was nice meeting you." I said and got up.

It was enough entertainment for the day. If I spend any more time here, Mukul might faint any moment. He looks like it.

"Same here, Mr Raichand. And thank you for dropping this girl home. She walks around with her head in the cloud and if you had let her come home alone, she would have reached here only by tomorrow." Mrs Chawla said, earning another glare from Parinidhi.

"Nidhi, walk him out." Mrs Chawla said and an angry Parinidhi walked with me towards the car.

As we walked towards the car, the tension between Parinidhi and me was palpable. I couldn't help but find amusement in her obvious annoyance.

"You know, Ms. Vyas, your aunt seems like quite the character," I commented, breaking the silence between us.

Parinidhi rolled her eyes, clearly not in the mood for small talk.

"Yeah, she certainly has a way with words," she replied dryly.

I couldn't help but chuckle at her response, finding her annoyance oddly endearing.

"Why don't you learn something from your Aunt, Ms Vyas? Maybe some manners.." I goaded her again and she looked ready to kill me.

"Well, consider it a character-building exercise," I said with a smirk, opening the car door.

Parinidhi shot me one last glare, her annoyance still evident.

But as I closed the door and settled inside the car, I couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction at having successfully ruffled her feathers once again.

Mukul was sending me odd glances through the mirror and I scowled at him, taking his attention off me.


As I reached home, I found di in the living room, her face dull.

"What happened, di?" I asked, as I sat next to her and she shot a sad smile at me.

"Nothing, bubba." She said, caressing my cheeks.

"It's not nothing. I can see something is bothering you. What is it? Didn't jeeju call you?" I asked.

"He did." She said with a sad sigh.

"And? What did he say that made you dull?" I asked curiously.

"His conference got extended it seems. He can't make it home anytime soon." Di said, her eyes welling up with tears.

"Di, we all know how demanding his profession is. From the very beginning, he had warned us all about this." I said softly.

"I know, bubba. I know how dedicated he is to his profession and how demanding it is for him, but sometimes, these hormones get the best of me and I just.." Di said helplessly and I wrapped my arms around her shoulder and pulled her into an embrace.

"How about we go and visit him?" I asked and she smiled.

"No need, Bubba. He wouldn't appreciate it if I travel in my condition. He said he will try to make a short visit. For two days or so and then he will have to return immediately. He will come soon. I know even he can't stay away for long." Di said with a chuckle.

"Okay, if you say so." I said with a smile.

"Bubba, I have been meaning to ask you something," Di began tentatively, her eyes searching mine for a reaction.

"What is it, di?" I asked curiously.

"It's about Bhavna. I heard... well, I heard things didn't work out between you two," she said softly, her voice tinged with concern.

Di's words hit me like a bolt out of the blue. I had almost forgotten about Bhavna. I felt a surge of irritation at the mention of Bhavna's name, but I quickly masked it with a nonchalant shrug.

"Yeah, well, these things happen," I replied dismissively, hoping to steer the conversation in a different direction.

But di wasn't so easily deterred.

"Bubba, I know you like to keep things casual, but sometimes it's important to think about the consequences of your actions," she said earnestly, her eyes pleading with me to listen.

I rolled my eyes, feeling a twinge of annoyance at her lecture.

"Di, I have told you before, I don't care what people think about me. I live my life on my own terms," I said defiantly, trying to shut down the conversation. But di wasn't ready to let it go.

"Bubba, it's not just about what people think. It's about our culture, our values. What you are doing... it's not how things are supposed to be," she said gently, her words laced with concern.

I scoffed at her words, feeling a surge of frustration building inside me.

"Di, I am not interested in living according to society's rules. I make my own rules," I replied stubbornly, refusing to back down. Di sighed, her expression pained.

"Bubba, I just worry about you. About how all this will affect your reputation. And what would dadi's reaction be, when she finds out about your lifestyle," she said softly, her voice tinged with sadness.

I shook my head, feeling a surge of defiance coursing through me.

"Di, I have told you before, I don't care about all that. I live for myself, not for anyone else," I said firmly, my tone resolute.

Di looked at me with a mixture of sadness and resignation.

"Let's just hope you won't have to regret all this one day, Bubba," she said quietly, her words hanging heavily in the air between us.


So? What do you think guys? Will Sid regret anytime soon?

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