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Siddharth's pov!

"Don't waste my time by gawking at me, Ms Vyas. Leave!" I bellowed and she scrambled out of my cabin after shooting an angry glare my way.

I could literally hear her cursing me in my mind.

And the way her cheeks had been a shade of red all the time she had been here..

What the hell was she thinking about that she was so flushed all the time? I could kill someone just to know what was running through her head.

And the way the redness has been creeping down her neck.. It was so fascinating to watch. Where all does she blush?

Damn it, Sid!

What the hell are you thinking about?

Since when did you start fantasising over women?

"Sid, you have a meeting with D Fab in the evening, right?" Ansh asked, as he came in.

"Yes. This is our opening to the American fashion industry. The meeting is very important." I said, as I pushed the thoughts of Parinidhi out of my head.

She has managed to somehow get under my skin and it irritates the hell out of me.

"Why didn't you arrange for the meeting to be held in our conference room? That way, D Fab could have an idea about Rey Designs." Ansh said with a frown.

"I wanted the first meeting to be on neutral grounds. Before making any decisions, I want to study them first. And if everything goes well, we can invite them over. As it is, they are in India for two weeks." I said.

"Hmm, cool."


"Mr Raichand, I think it's time for us to leave. You know the traffic in Mumbai. It is always good to start early. Also, you missed lunch. If we leave now, you could have some snacks before the meeting starts." Mukul said and he was right. This meeting is important and I cannot afford to be delayed by any unfortunate traffic incidents.

"Get the file, Mukul. And ask the driver to start the car." I said and Mukul nodded and left.

When I stepped out of my cabin, I found Parinidhi sitting in her allocated seat. And some guy standing near her and talking to her. He was saying something and she was smiling at everything he said. She was even blushing at some of the comments made by him.

Damn her!

Didn't I give her a warning not to waste the company's time by talking.

And who the hell was he? And why was he staring at her like that?

Bloody pervert!

Before I could stop myself, I walked briskly towards them.

"What the hell is going on here?" I asked, my voice booming across the walls of the office.

The guy got startled and he started sweating and shivering looking at me. But Parinidhi was having a defiant look on her face.

"Mr Raichand, Akash ji and I are having our breaks now. We were about to go to the cafeteria for coffee now. We are not talking during office time. We are talking during our break time." She said defiantly and I saw the above mentioned Akash ji looking at her disbelief.

He is probably shocked seeing her back answering me.

"Break time? Who says?" I asked sarcastically.

"Ansh ji had told me we can take a ten minute break once before and once after lunch time. We can choose the break time ourselves. And I chose this to be my break time." She said haughtily.

"Ansh doesn't own this company, Ms Vyas. I do. And I am telling you that there is no such thing written in the rules of the company." I said and she shot an annoyed look at me.

I then turned to the guy and he gulped seeing me glaring at him.

"Who the bloody hell are you?" I asked and he tried to smile.

"Mr Raichand. I am Akash Menon. I work in the marketing department." He said.

"If I ever see you roaming around here, you can very well pack your bags and leave." I said in a warning tone and he nodded vigorously.

"Now, follow me." I demanded, looking at Parinidhi and she frowned at me.

"Where?" She asked, not moving from her position.

"You are not paid to question your boss, Ms Vyas. You are being paid to be at my beck and call." I said with a smirk.


"Now, take your bag and follow me, Ms Vyas." I said and turned on my heels and walked away briskly. I could hear the hurried footsteps of Parinidhi behind me and I smirked.

Third person's pov!

Parinidhi seethed with indignation as she trailed behind Siddharth Raichand. His arrogance grated on her nerves, and she couldn't help but feel a surge of defiance rising within her.

As they reached his car, Siddharth turned to her with a stern expression.

"Get in," he commanded, gesturing towards the back seat, as he settled into the car. Mukul has taken the passenger seat and he was staring in wonder as Siddharth has dragged Parinidhi along for a meeting. Which was a first thing. Siddharth goes for the meeting and the only people who can accompany him are Mukul, Ansh and Parth. For the first time, he was taking someone with him other than these three.

Parinidhi hesitated for a moment, her pride warring with her desire to keep her job. With a heavy sigh, she sank into the back seat of the car, shooting Siddharth a withering glare.

"Now, Ms. Vyas," Siddharth began, his tone dripping with condescension, "it seems you have forgotten your place here."

Parinidhi clenched her jaw, her hands balling into fists at her sides. She refused to let him intimidate her, no matter how powerful he thought he was.

"I know my place perfectly, Mr. Raichand. And it's not at your beck and call to be treated like some servant." She retorted, her voice laced with defiance.

Siddharth's eyes flashed with anger, but he quickly regained his composure.

"You seem to have a lot of attitude for someone in your position, Ms. Vyas."

"And you seem to have a lot of ego for someone who thinks he can control everything and everyone," Parinidhi shot back, her voice tinged with sarcasm.

Siddharth's jaw clenched, his patience wearing thin.

"You forget who you are talking to, Ms. Vyas. I could have fired you with a snap of my fingers." He said in a warning tone.

Parinidhi met his gaze head-on, her eyes blazing with defiance.

"Go ahead, Mr. Raichand. But I won't let you bully me into submission. I have rights, and I won't let you trample all over them."

For a moment, there was silence as Siddharth stared at her, his expression unreadable. Then, unexpectedly, a hint of admiration flickered in his eyes, which he was quick to mask. He would die before he let her know or admit it to himself that a grudging sense of admiration was growing within him for her.

"You have got guts, Ms. Vyas. But remember, this is my company. And I won't tolerate insubordination." He conceded, his tone grudgingly respectful. 


Here goes the next shot..

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