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Siddharth's pov!

Without speaking a word, I moved her long tresses onto one side of my shoulder. My breathing wavered when I saw the satin soft skin of her back visible through the low cut blouse. I wanted to explore every inch of her skin with my lips and tongue. But I had to control that urge.

I took the chain and pendant that, for some inexplicable reasons, I have been carrying around for a few months with me now.

It was only recently I came to know how much the chain meant to her.

'Nidhi, why aren't you wearing anything around your neck? You have long slender neck. A chain would lay beautifully against it.' Jeevika di had said and Nidhi shot a sad smile at her.

'I used to have one around my neck Jeevika ji. It was my favourite chain. I lost it. After losing it, I couldn't bring myself to wear something else.' Parinidhi had replied sadly.

"Come on, don't be silly. The new chain could be your new favourite one.' Jeevika di said with a chuckle.

'My Divya Maa gave me that chain many years ago. She is just like my Mama. She was my Mama's bestfriend. She also gave birth to a daughter, the same day I was born. But her baby was stillborn. And my Mama didn't have enough milk. It was Divya Maa who breastfed me and raised me until I was ten. I lived more in her home than mine. We have a very special and strong bond. She had given me that chain when they moved abroad nine years ago. When I had that chain around me, it felt like Divya Maa was with me.' Nidhi had said, her eyes filling with tears.

I had accidentally overheard their conversation. And that was when I decided to give this back. I have been carrying it with me ever since, not finding a chance to give it to her until now.

I fastened the hook of the chain around her neck.

"Where did you get this from?" She asked as she turned around in my arms.

I looked into her hazel eyes and felt as if I could drown in it and even die.

I couldn't take my eyes off her beautiful face. She took a step back and I took another step towards her. This happened a few times and I ended up cornering her against the wall.

My hand cupped her jaws and I looked into her eyes passionately. I wanted to kiss her. I don't think I can hold back anymore. I have been fighting this urge for a while now.

My head bent down gently and we were a breath apart when my phone rang.

It was like pouring cold water all over me.

The passionate haze was broken and I cursed myself for my lack of self control.

How could I?


When I stepped back, Parinidhi ran out of the pool side and I stared at her retreating back.

No! This cannot happen again.

I cannot let a woman and her beauty control me.

This has to end today.

For that, I have to take a definite step towards Bhavna! Bhavna is safe. She doesn't have the power to control any aspect of my life. And I cannot have anybody in my life who has even the slightest power over me.

Parinidhi Vyas has to be kicked out of my life forever!

For that to happen, I have to embrace Bhavna completely.

Bhavna is safe. Bhavna is a practical option. And Bhavna can be an on paper partner.

She doesn't set me on fire. She doesn't distract me from my work. She doesn't get under my skin, making me think of her day and night.