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Third person's pov!

"Parinidhi Vyas!" Siddharth's booming voice echoed across the glass walls of the office, startling her.

Ansh and Mukul turned to look at him and Siddharth glared at Ansh. He knows Ansh. Ansh is a charmer and for some reason, it made him uncomfortable whenever Ansh talked to her.

What if he charmed his way into her life? Somehow, that thought wasn't palpable for him.

He shot an angry glare at Ansh, confusing him.

Siddharth's frustration boiled over as he watched her typing away at her desk, seemingly unfazed by his presence. With a quick stride, he made his way to her desk, his expression dark and stormy.

"Ms Vyas," he called out sharply, causing her to look up with a mixture of defiance and annoyance.

"What now, Mr. Raichand?" she retorted, her tone laced with irritation.

How dare she speak to me like that?

"Don't 'what now' me. Come to my cabin." With that said, he walked towards his cabin.

With an annoyed look on her face, Nidhi marched towards his cabin. Ansh and Mukul hurried after her, intending to buffer if the situation went out of control.

"What do you think you are doing?" Siddharth demanded as soon as Parinidhi stepped into his cabin, his voice rising with frustration.

"I was doing my work, if you must know," Nidhi replied curtly, her patience wearing thin. She was already annoyed with him for appearing in her dream as her protector. Now he appeared before her and it only managed to irk her more. It reminded her of her dream and how she had uttered those three beautiful magical words to this Rakshas.

"Your work? You call that work?" Siddharth scoffed, gesturing towards the stack of files on her desk. "You have barely made any progress since morning and now I find you again gossiping. How many warnings should I give, Ms Vyas? Whenever I see you, you are gossipping with some or the other person."

"I was not gossipping, Mr Raichand. It was Ansh ji and Mukul ji who came and spoke with me. If you are so adamant on scolding someone, go ahead and scold them." Nidhi said, making Ansh and Mukul look at her in horror.

"You two, get out!" Siddharth ordered. Ansh and Mukul scrambled out of his cabin, holding their dear life in their palms.

"And about the files pending. That's because those files are a mess, Mr. Raichand. It belongs to some stone age," Nidhi shot back, her frustration mirroring his own.

"Well, that's your job, isn't it? To handle challenges and find solutions?" Siddharth snapped, his temper flaring.

"My job is not to perform miracles, Mr. Raichand. These files are ancient, and digitising them is no easy task," Nidhi argued, her voice rising in defiance.

Before Siddharth could respond, he felt a surge of anger coursing through him.

Nobody has ever spoken to him in such a disrespectful way. And his growing attraction towards this defiant, stubborn and disobedient woman was only adding to his frustration.

He could easily fire her and get rid off her once and for all, but for some reason, he couldn't get rid off her. He didn't want to..

It was like a double edged sword. He hates it when she is around and he himself goes out of his cabin everyday in search of her. He was going crazy.

In a moment of reckless frustration, he reached out and grabbed Nidhi's wrists, pulling her towards him.

"What the hell are you doing? Let go off me.." Nidhi said angrily, but Siddharth's hold tightened, breaking her glass bangles.

"Ahh!" Nidhi hissed in pain as the shards pierced her delicate skin and drew blood.

Siddharth's anger dissipated instantly, replaced by a rush of panic as he saw the blood welling up from her wounds.

"Ms Vyas, I didn't mean to..." Siddharth's voice trailed off as he frantically tried to tend to her injuries.

Nidhi felt a wave of dizziness wash over her as she looked down at her bleeding wrists, the pain intensifying with each passing second. Before she knew it, darkness enveloped her, and she felt herself falling against Siddharth's chest.

Siddharth caught her in his arms, his heart racing with concern as he laid her gently on the couch. He splashed water on her face, trying to rouse her from unconsciousness.

"Parinidhi, wake up," he urged softly, his voice tinged with worry.

As Nidhi stirred, her eyelids fluttering open, Siddharth breathed a sigh of relief. He offered her a glass of water, helping her drink as she regained her senses.

Once she was fully awake, Siddharth fetched the first aid kit.

As Siddharth reached for the first aid kit, Nidhi's anger flared up, her wounded pride fueling her defiance.

"I don't need your help, Mr. Raichand," she snapped, trying to push him away. "I can take care of myself."

Siddharth's jaw tensed as he gently but firmly held her wrists, preventing her from moving.

"Ms Vyas, stop being stubborn," he chided, his tone tinged with frustration. "You are hurt, and I am going to help you whether you like it or not."

Nidhi glared at him, her eyes flashing with defiance.

"I said I don't need your help," she insisted, her voice trembling with anger.

But Siddharth remained unfazed, his resolve unwavering as he began to clean her wounds.

"Well, you are going to get it anyway," he replied firmly, his hands moving with gentle precision as he tended to her injuries.

His movements were careful and deliberate as he cleaned and bandaged her wounds. With each gentle touch, he felt a strange warmth spreading through him, an unfamiliar tenderness he couldn't quite explain.

As he applied antiseptic to her wounds, Nidhi winced in pain, prompting Siddharth to blow gently on her skin to ease the discomfort. The intimate gesture sent a shiver down Nidhi's spine, her heart fluttering at the unexpected tenderness in Siddharth's actions.

In that moment, as they sat together in silence, tending to her injuries, Nidhi couldn't help but feel a strange sense of closeness to Siddharth, a connection she couldn't understand. And as Siddharth's gaze met hers, she saw something flicker in his eyes – something undecipherable.

But as quickly as it had come, the moment passed, leaving them both grappling with the intensity of their emotions and the unspoken bond that lingered between them.


Here goes the next shot..

So? What's happening between these two?

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