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Third person's pov!

As they entered the cafe, Nidhi stopped dead on her tracks seeing who was inside the cafe.

"You??" She whispered seeing Siddharth sitting at a table and sipping on his coffee. His brother Parth was sitting across from him.

"What happened, Nidhi?" Priya asked, seeing Nidhi standing as though she saw a ghost.

"One day! One day I am supposed to get a break from him and you had to somehow bring him in front of me even on that day, huh? Am I not offering you enough sweets nowadays? What enmity do you have with me?" Nidhi mumbled furiously, looking heavenwards.

"What is wrong with you?" Priya asked, slightly pinching Nidhi on her forearms and Nidhi hissed in pain.

"Why did you pinch me?" Nidhi asked, rubbing furiously at where Priya pinched her.

"You were in some other world and weren't responding to my queries." Priya said and Nidhi shot an angry glare at her.

"Why are we standing here like fools? Shouldn't we go inside and meet the woman who owns this cafe?" Priya asked.

"Yes. But that rakshas is sitting there and I don't want to ruin my only holiday in the week." Nidhi said and Priya frowned at her.

By now, with Nidhi's daily rants, Priya knows who the rakshas is. Priya followed Nidhi's gaze and saw two men sitting at the table. Siddharth Raichand and Parth Raichand.

"Ignore him. He is not your boss here. Pretend as though you don't know him. Let's meet the lady and get it over with and leave immediately." Priya said. Nidhi nodded and together they walked towards the counter and spoke to the man working at the counter.

Parth saw Priya and Nidhi coming into the cafe and he couldn't tear his eyes off Priya's beautiful face. Over the past few weeks, he had been trying to speak to Nidhi and divert the conversation towards Priya. But somehow it never happened. Because a conversation with Nidhi would usually be Nidhi's monologue. He is lucky if he could get a word or two in between.

But today, luck seems to be on his side. Somehow, he has to make use of it. He glanced at his brother, who was focused on his favourite coffee and his excitement dimmed.

'How will I find an excuse to talk to Priya when bhai is around?' He thought with a dull face.

"Bhaiya, we are the ones delivering the snacks. Madam has asked us to come meet her today. Could you please tell her that Parinidhi Vyas is here to meet her." Nidhi said with a smile and the man at the counter nodded and left to inform the owner about Nidhi's arrival.

Siddharth, hearing the familiar musical voice, looked up and saw Parinidhi standing at the counter with another girl.

His heart fluttered seeing her unexpectedly.

As Siddharth watched Parinidhi and Priya stand at the counter, his heart skipped a beat. He hadn't expected to see her here, and the sight of her took his breath away.

She looked stunning in her yellow Anarkali suit, the vibrant colour accentuating her radiant beauty.

His eyes traced the contours of her figure, from the curves of her bosom to the graceful flow of her dress. She was undeniably gorgeous, and Siddharth couldn't tear his gaze away from her.

But even as he admired her beauty, a nagging voice in the back of his mind reminded him that it was just physical attraction. He had felt it before for other women, and there was no reason to believe it was anything more than that.

Yet, a part of him couldn't shake the feeling that there was something different about his attraction to Parinidhi. He pushed the thought aside, refusing to entertain the idea that it could be something deeper.

As Parinidhi and Priya spoke to the man at the counter, Siddharth's gaze lingered on Parinidhi's face. He watched as she smiled politely, her eyes sparkling with warmth.

She looked so carefree and happy, and for a moment, Siddharth allowed himself to imagine what it would be like to make her smile like that every day.

What nonsense! As soon as that strange thought had entered his head, Sid shook his head to dispel those unwanted thoughts. Why would he want to make her smile?

But his reverie was shattered when he noticed Parinidhi glance in his direction. Their eyes met briefly, and Siddharth felt a surge of irritation when he realised that she was deliberately ignoring him. His ego bruised, he couldn't resist the urge to taunt her.

"Well, well, look who is here. I didn't expect to run into you today, Ms Vyas." he remarked, his tone laced with sarcasm.

Parinidhi's jaw clenched as she turned to face him, her eyes flashing with annoyance.

"And yet here I am," she replied curtly, her voice dripping with disdain. Then she turned around ignoring him.

Siddharth's lips curled into a smug smirk.

"Ignoring me, are we? How charming. Are you afraid of me, Ms Vyas?" He asked, his tone mocking.

"We are here on business, Mr. Raichand. We have no time for your petty arguments." Nidhi said, shooting a glare at him.

Siddharth chuckled, unfazed by Nidhi's glare.

"Ah, but it's always a pleasure to see you, Ms Vyas. You brighten up my day like no one else." Siddharth said sarcastically.

Parinidhi rolled her eyes, refusing to rise to his bait.

"We are not here to entertain you, Mr. Raichand. Now, if you will excuse us, we have work to do."

But Siddharth wasn't about to let her off that easily.

"Oh, but I insist on being entertained. After all, it's not every day that I get to enjoy the company of such a delightful lady. On second thoughts, I get entertained on a daily basis. After all, you are my personal entertainer at the office." He quipped, his tone dripping with sarcasm.

Parinidhi's patience snapped, her temper flaring at his condescending tone.

"I suggest you find someone else to amuse you, Mr. Raichand. We have better things to do than indulge your ego." She snapped, her voice sharp with anger.

Siddharth's smirk faltered, replaced by a scowl of annoyance. He wasn't used to being dismissed so easily, especially by someone like Parinidhi.

But try as he might, he couldn't deny the rush of exhilaration he felt at their heated exchange.

There was something about Parinidhi that sparked a fire within him, and he couldn't help but feel drawn to her, despite his better judgement.


Here goes the next shot..

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See you on Monday..

