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Parinidhi's Pov!

"Rumour is that Mr Rai dumped Ms Bhavna Chavan. Apparently, they aren't together anymore.." Swati said in a conspiratory whisper and I tuned in on the juicy gossip.

"What? But why? Did they fight?" I asked curiously.

"No idea. Probably the relationship ran its course and Mr Rai decided it was time to move on." Swati said with a shrug and I looked at her in confusion.

"Relationship ran its course? What does that even mean?" I asked with a frown.

"You know how it is. They had an affair. Enjoyed the benefits and now that they got bored of each other, they decided to call it quits." Swati said with a shrug and I looked at her in confusion, because what she was saying felt like foreign language to me.

"I don't understand. If they didn't get into a fight, why would they break up? And what do you mean by enjoying the benefits?" I asked once again.

"Oh Nidhi. Don't tell me you have no idea about these things.." Swati said, her wide eyes staring at me in disbelief.

"I know about relationships, okay. My friend Deepali has been in love with a guy in our village itself. It is actually a secret relationship. If her parents find out, they will kill her. Deepali and Sharan have broken up a million times in the five years of their relationship. Two days later, they will behave as if they never fought. Probably Mr Raichand and Ms Chavan also got into a small fight. They will get back soon. That's the power of love." I said dreamily. When am I going to find my prince charming and fall madly in love with him?

"Oh Nidhi! You are too innocent for Rey Designs." Swati said with a chuckle and I glared at her because I felt as if she was teasing me.

"The relation between Mr Rai and Ms Chavan is not like the one your Deepali and Sharan have." Swati said.

"Then?" I asked curiously.

Love is love. Isn't it? What's so different about Mr Raichand's love for Ms Chavan?

"Mr Rai and Ms Chavan weren't a love match, Nidhi. They were convenient partners. They have a physical relationship, you know what I mean, they enjoy it and when it loses its charm, they find a new partner." Swati whispered and I looked at her in horror.

"Physi- Physical relationship? Before marriage?" I asked in horror and she nodded.

Hey Bhagwan! What am I hearing?

"Ms Vyas, I don't pay you to sit and gossip." The booming voice of Mr Raichand startled me out of my thoughts and I found him standing in front of me.

I froze as Mr. Raichand's voice sliced through the air like a knife. I straightened up, my heart pounding, feeling like a deer caught in headlights.

"I expect my employees to be productive, not to indulge in idle chatter," he continued, his tone sharp and authoritative.

"I-I am sorry, Sir," I stammered, my cheeks flushing with embarrassment as my mind just picturised what Swati just told me. I quickly lowered my gaze, unable to meet his piercing eyes.

Oh god! Why the hell am I now picturing it in my mind? What Mr Raichand and Ms Chavan do is none of my business.

"Sorry isn't going to cut it, Ms. Vyas," he snapped, his voice like ice. "I won't tolerate gossiping in my workplace. You are here to work, not to waste your time talking to others."

I stayed silent, because I know I was wrong here. It was working hours and I let myself get indulged in juicy office gossip. That too about the boss.

"What do you have to say for yourself?" Mr. Raichand demanded, his eyes narrowing as he waited for my response.

"I-I won't let it happen again, Sir," I managed to whisper, my voice barely audible. I was too caught up with what Swati said and I was finding it difficult to even look at him.

Mr. Raichand regarded me for a moment, his expression inscrutable, before finally nodding.

"See that you don't. Now, onto more pressing matters." He said and I looked at him in alert.

"Ms. Vyas," Mr. Raichand began, his voice firm, "I have a task for you that requires your utmost attention to detail. I need you to compile a comprehensive report on our latest client's marketing campaign performance. I want every detail meticulously documented. The hard copies are available. I want you to enter it all into the system and digitise it."

My heart sank as I listened to the daunting task ahead. It was no small feat, and I knew it would require long hours of tedious work. It was beyond my capabilities and he was deliberately making me do things out of my qualifications. He wanted to prove that I am not capable.

"Yes, sir," I replied, trying to hide my apprehension.

"Come to my cabin." He demanded and walked away briskly and I quickly took my notepad and ran behind him.

As I sat down at his desk and began to sift through the mountains of data, Mr. Raichand loomed over me like a shadow, his presence intimidating me.

"You missed a spot," he remarked, pointing to a minor discrepancy in my calculations.

I felt my frustration mounting as I made the necessary corrections under his watchful gaze.

Why the hell is he hovering over me like this?

"You call this thorough?" He questioned, his tone cutting.

I bit my tongue to hold back a retort that threatened to spill out. I couldn't afford to provoke him further. He looks already angry. Probably the break up is taking a toll on him.

Hours passed in a blur as I worked feverishly to complete the report, each moment feeling like an eternity under Mr. Raichand's critical eye.

Finally, with trembling hands, I handed him the finished document, praying it would meet his exacting standards.

Mr. Raichand took his time reviewing my work, his expression unreadable as he flipped through the pages.

"Hmm. You may go now." He said in a dismissive tone and I stared at him furiously.

Couldn't he just say a word about my work? After all, I worked hard on something I had no idea about.

"Don't waste my time by gawking at me, Ms Vyas. Leave!"


Here goes the next shot..

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