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Parinidhi's pov!

"Everyone please get down. The bus broke down. There seems to be some issue. It will take time to get it done. Please find some other mode of transportation. Show your tickets and collect your ticket charges back.." The conductor of the bus announced.

I sighed in exasperation and got up from the seat. I will be late today. Since I am working for Jeevika ji, she will understand, but still I don't like reaching work late.

I showed the ticket and collected the ticket fare back from the conductor and started walking through the footpath.

People who got out of the bus hailed rickshaws one by one and I was left without getting one.

"I will definitely be late now. There is no point in waiting." I spoke to myself and opened the google map on my phone and entered the Raichand Mansion as its location. It showed a short cut to the place and it seemed like it was only a fifteen minutes walk to reach the house.

I started walking, following the directions the google map was showing. I was walking through a pocket road, when a heart wrenching sight stopped me in my tracks.

The sight chilled me.

A man was viciously beating a young boy, who cried out in pain and terror. My heart pounded as I looked around, noticing a little girl in the corner, clutching a rag doll and sobbing uncontrollably.

The scene before me was horrifying, and what was even more distressing was that no one seemed willing to intervene.

Without a second thought, I rushed towards the man, my only intention to shield the boy from further harm.

"Stop it! What are you doing?" I shouted, reaching out to pull the child away from his aggressor. But the man, infuriated by my interference, turned his anger towards me.

"Mind your own business, woman!" He snarled, shoving me forcefully onto the road, directly in the path of an oncoming car.

Panic surged through me as I lay there, expecting the worst. But the screeching of brakes and the smell of burning rubber filled the air as the car halted just inches away from me.

As I looked up, dazed and shaken, Siddharth Singh Raichand stepped out of the car, his face a mix of concern and fury.

"Are you okay? What happened? Who the blo*dy hell is he?" He asked, rushing to my side and helping me to my feet. His eyes widened in anger as he saw the scratches and the blood stains on my arms.

"You will pay for this." Siddharth ji said, turning to the man who had pushed me, his voice cold and menacing,

As Siddharth ji moved menacingly towards the man, I reached out and grabbed his hand, earning a sharp glare in return.

"Please, save the children," I pleaded, recounting what I had witnessed. The drunk man had been beating the boy mercilessly while a few people watched idly, without intervening.

Taking control of the situation, Siddharth ji ordered his bodyguards to restrain the man and swiftly dialled the police. From his car, he retrieved a first aid kit and began dressing my wounds and the boy's.

"Don't worry, everything will be okay," Siddharth ji said gently to the children, surprising me with his compassionate tone. This was a new side to him I was seeing. When I asked him to rescue the children, I hadn't expected him to be so gentle with them.

As the boy sobbed, Siddharth ji gently asked him who the man was and why he had been so cruel. The boy's tearful confession left me stunned.

"He is our father," the boy choked out between sobs. "He wasn't always like this. Our mother passed away from cancer a year ago, and since then, he has become an alcoholic. He comes home and beats us."

I watched in surprise as Siddharth ji completely froze at the boy's admission. Watching the range of emotions play across Siddharth's face, I saw a flicker of empathy, understanding and sheer anguish in his eyes.

It was so shocking to see him look so broken.

When the police arrived, he managed to convince the officers to take the man to a rehabilitation centre rather than arresting him.

"You need help, not punishment," Siddharth ji said firmly to the man, surprising me with his empathy.

He then took the responsibility of the children upon himself, driving them to a children's home under his trust. The realisation that Siddharth ji was involved in such charitable work left me astonished.

"You will be safe here. And one day, your father will be back and you will see the old loving and caring man he once was." Siddharth kneeled in front of the children and assured them as he dropped them off at the home, his voice soft and reassuring.

Once the children were guided inside by the staff, Siddharth ji turned towards me.

"Ms Vyas, I will drop you home. Or do you want a day off?" He asked.

"I am alright. I would like to go to work. I haven't informed Jeevika ji that I would be late." I said anxiously.

"That's alright. Di will understand."

As we drove away, I couldn't help but reflect on the events of the day. Siddharth ji had shown me a side of himself that I had never expected to see. His compassion, empathy and dedication to helping those in need had left a profound impression on me.

"I never knew you were involved in charity work," I said, my voice filled with newfound respect.

"There's a lot you don't know about me, Ms Vyas" Siddharth ji replied, his tone back to the arrogant one he always has.

But now I know, there is more to this seemingly arrogant and cold hearted man. My perspective on Siddharth ji had changed, and I realised that I had misjudged him.

He was not the heartless man I had thought him to be, but rather a compassionate and caring individual who was committed to making a difference in the lives of others, but with a tough and arrogant exterior.

When I turned to look at him again, I was shocked to see a lone tear rolling down his cheek. He quickly wiped it away, but I had already seen it.

"Uh Mr Raichand? Is everything alright?" I asked softly and the car came to a screeching halt.


Here goes the next shot..

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