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Third person's pov!

"Mr Raichand.." Nidhi hissed in anger, which only made Sid laugh more.

Mukul couldn't believe his own eyes. He has been working with Sid since the time Sid began Rey designs. Never once had he seen the man laughing like this.

"I didn't crack a joke, Mr Raichand." Nidhi shot furiously at him.

"Are you really stupid or you pretend to be one?" Sid asked, composing himself.

"I am not stupid." Nidhi bristled with anger at being called stupid.

"Really? How the hell did your stupid brain come up with this stupid idea then?" Sid couldn't help but ask.

He was seriously comprehending whether she was serious or if she was simply joking, trying to irritate him.

"It was not a stupid idea and my brain isn't stupid, Mr Raichand. If you cannot help out, all you had to say was no." Nidhi said furiously, as she took her bag and walked out of the conference room, ignoring both Sid and Mukul.

Sid chuckled, watching her walking out like an angry offended kid.

His laughter died, when he saw Mukul watching him as if he had seen a ghost.

"What?" Sid barked at him, a scowl making its way to his face.

'Okay! Now it is Siddharth Singh Raichand.' Mukul thought with relief, seeing the angry scowl on Sid's face.

"Uh Mr Raichand, the clients left. I came to inform you about that." Mukul said politely and Sid hummed in response and walked out of the conference room.

As Siddharth stepped out of the conference room, his mind still replaying the heated exchange with Parinidhi, he found her waiting for him in the lounge, her arms crossed tightly over her chest and a scowl etched on her face.

She looked like a kid, he thought. An angry kid who was refused her favourite toy..

He couldn't help the small smile that tugged at the corner of his lips at the sight of her, but he quickly schooled his features into a mask of indifference. He couldn't let her see that she was getting to him.

"What are you still doing here, Ms. Vyas?" Siddharth asked, his tone cool and detached. For some reason, he enjoyed annoying her and he enjoyed it more when her annoyance radiated through the various expressions on her face.

Nidhi's eyes flashed with irritation at his dismissive tone.

"I am waiting for you to take me back to the office," she replied tersely.

Siddharth raised an eyebrow.

"And why should I do that, Ms Vyas?" He questioned, his tone challenging.

Nidhi's jaw clenched in frustration.

"Because it's your responsibility as my boss, Mr Raichand. You brought me here for this meeting and now it is your duty to take me back." She retorted, her voice dripping with sarcasm.

Siddharth's lips twitched with amusement at her audacity, but he quickly masked it with a stoic expression.

"Employees find their own mode of transportation, Ms Vyas. But since you seem to be incapable of handling things on your own, I am willing to make a small concession," he said curtly, gesturing for her to follow him.

"I am perfectly capable of handling things on my own, Mr Raichand. I can go home by myself." Nidhi bristled at him, for talking to her in such a way.

"From what I understand, you are new to Mumbai. I am not taking any risk by letting you go alone. I don't want to have the police at my doorstep tomorrow morning, in case you manage to get yourself into some trouble." He said and took hold of her hand and pulled her with him towards the car.

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