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[Jacob POV]

Pepper adjusted, reallyyyy, quickly to the apartment. She spent probably two days being a little shy before she warmed up, but after that, she acted as if she'd been staying there for years. She'd lay around the house and nap, then climb into Luca lap while he's coloring, and then they'd play.
"C'mere, Pepper," He cooed as she stepped into his lap.
"I want you to talk to me like that," I commented, making him giggle.
"C'mere, Jakey," He said to me in the same tone before laughing. I smiled and sat on the floor next to him, resting my head on his shoulder.

I silently let him color until Pepper started rubbing against his chest. Part of the way they play is a little bit like tag. Well, it's more like just Pepper chasing him. But, I didn't know that was possible. Luca runs from the end of the hallway to the bedroom, into the bedroom, steps on the bed making, before running to the end of the hallway again where she catches him. I really don't mind. It gets his energy out without me being the one running.

He did that chase game with her for half an hour straight... I was literally baffled how the hell he managed to do that. But when he sat back down next to me, he almost instantly climbed in my lap and cuddled up to me.
"Hi, baby. You still little? You wanna color?" I asked, making him shake his head.
"Um...I just wanna hold you," He mumbled before putting his face against my neck. Obviously, he was worn out. So he took a nap for a while. And by a while, I mean two hours. Two hours of not moving because it would wake him up was where I had to tap out.
"Luca, you gotta get up," I said, patting his back and changing the way he was sitting so the movement would make him wake up.

"Jakey," He pouted, shifting when he sat up and rubbing right against my cock.
"Careful," I firmly warned him, grabbing his hips.
"Mmm," He whined, doing exactly what would get me hard. I knew it wasn't intentional. My fiance's just sexy as fuck so half of what he does gives me a boner.
"You big or little?" I asked, gently kissing his head. He just shrugged, so I assumed he was in that weird middle ground for now.
"Put on a movie?" He asked, turning to face the TV.
"Uh, careful. Baby, be gentle," I reminded him, groaning a little as I helped him off my lap.
"Gentle..." He whispered, signing at the same time.
"Exactly. Good job," I encouraged him before turning on the TV and putting on a baby show.

"Hold," He whined, wanting to sit in my lap again. As much as I wanted to hold my fiance, I had a raging hard on that I didn't want him to feel or rub against. And I couldn't go fix it. If I tried to step away for a while to jerk off, he'd follow me and see it. And Spade isn't here to keep him entertained, so I'd have to lock the bathroom or bedroom door. Which I can guarantee would make him anxious.
"Baby, I can't hold you," I answered, making him frown.
"But mine?" He asked, looking at me.
"I am yours. I'm all yours. But Daddy can't always hold you," I explained, making him pout and slouch against the couch.
"How bout I hold your hand?" I offered.
"No!" He firmly decided, pulling his knees up to his chest.
"Are you a little sad?" I asked gently, making him slowly nod.
"Yeah... My daddy," He tried to explain.

"I know. Just about every little boy wants to hold their Dady. That's okay. But for right now, you have 2 choices," I told him, holding up two fingers and making sure he was paying attention.
"You can hold my hand or my arm or my fingers. But not my lap," I emphasized, shaking my head.
"Tay..." He whispered, rubbing his eyes.
"Or you can hold Pepper. Do you want her instead?" I asked, quickly getting a nod.
"Yeah... Pepper!" He called, standing up to go find her. He came back with a fluffy blanket and the equally fluffy cat in his arms, who was half asleep. He laid on the couch and covered himself in the blanket, laying the kitty close to his chest and softly petting her.

[Luca POV]

I ended up falling asleep even though I didn't wanna nap, but I had a nightmare. About when Kayden slammed my head off the concrete outside Carter's house. I remember how bad my head hurt, how pissed he looked, how the blood rushing down my head felt, the paramedics driving me to the hospital, Carter trying to keep me awake, and how the crying hurt my throat for the next couple of days. I didn't wanna remember, but it was better than reliving what else he did. That wasn't the only thing I remembered, though.

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