Chapter 2 - "Off Class-On Port"

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There were some other soldiers too, especially the Royal guards from the Polsaw Kingdom.

"Very Warm welcome to you all In our Kingdom with the oldest part of all time, in the Kingdom of Polsaw" the commander from Polsaw Kingdom welcomed everyone.

"So what did you all decide for the mission?!"- Another soldier asked casually.

Then a woman from the Durvs took out her cape and asked the Asmaan team.

"So, who will go there from your side??"-

"Three Members from our side will join mission X"- a lady Replied.

"Reasonable, two from our side, and one of them will be our Mage" - One Man from Team Durv said calmly.

"A mage?!, well I guess rumors weren't wrong about kingdom relations with the magician community"- Solider from Polsaw Kingdom exclaimed.

"Fine!! as long as they won't dominate other actions." a man from Kingdom Asmaan said.

"I believe, We Won't Interrupt Justice"- A woman from Team Durv spoke firmly.

"But who's the mage anyway?"- A guy from Team Asmaan asked.

"I am Kaksh (the lady who spoke firmly earlier) I am from the community of Ark Mages.

"Ark Mages?!! Woah!! -"- Commander

The weather changed, and suddenly black clouds appeared.

*Lighting Strikes*

"I think now we should head to the Palace and discuss the further details there" a lady from Team Asmaan spoke gently.


Everyone there again greeted and headed forward to the Palace in the carriages.

There were a total of 5 huge carriages, which were divided as per the gender basis.

There were a total of 4 Women and 6 Men and some other guards.

But since the weather became very bad, many carriages couldn't work so they all had to share some.

Then inside the carriage:-

The lady took off her Robe and hung it inside the carriage.

She was a young lady in her mid-20s.
In the carriage.

"Are you the mage?!"- She asked another woman in front.

"Why are you curious?!"- Woman

"It's my first time, seeing a magician so I'm amazed to meet you."-

She then offered a handshake.

The woman, who was a mage thought for a second but after seeing the sparkles in that young lady's eye, She accepted the handshake.

"Yes! I am the Mage."- Woman Replied.

"You're so cool."- Lady smiled.

Then the one-sided chattering of the Lady went on, till they reached the castle.


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