Chapter 10 - "Formally Informal"

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"Oh yes. We are, I'm the older one"-Samarth..

"No wonder you two look similar, and.. what about rooh?!"- kartavya

Rooh- "These two aren't my brother, but yes, they behave like ones."

"Ohh!!"- Kartavya

"What about you two? Kartavya? Kaksh?, are you guys siblings?... Or are you dating?"

Kaksh gasped - "Never! He's just my master" ( Made disgusted face on the word 'dating'. )

"That disgusted reaction wasn't necessary , kaksh," Kartavya replied Exhaustedly.

"Ohh - Okay, so what now? and kaksh, are you fine? You seem so weak now?" - Rooh

"Yes, i believe so, but my magic is not working here ... I don't know when this will recover, but I'm no help without it. I apologize, " Kaksh said formally.

"There is no need to apologize. We are safe here because of you."
"and I think we should make plans with a priority list"- Sanskar

( Meanwhile, Kaksh was a bit shocked because of sanskar's words, so she didn't speak any further and kept staring at him. )

"Very well, i think we should take whatever useful materials are presented here, before moving further inside the island."
"Or should I just go to make a quick check?" - Kartavya

"I think we all should stick together. It's safer this way. "- Rooh

"Correct, but it's past evening now. Let's just stay here tonight and move forward from tomorrow's morning."- Samarth

( Later that night - Everyone was divided into 3 teams to do the work done for night Survival )

( Team 1- Rooh and Kartavya managed to gather food from the ocean as fishes and fruits from trees, available near the coast )

( Team 2 - Sanskar and Kaksh gathered all available parts of the slab and boat to make weapons to protect everyone )

( Team- Solo, Samarth used his military training to light up fire with the traditional method of stones, plus woods and cooked food for everyone. )

"Your cooking skills are so good, You are really talented"- Kartavya

"Responsibility teaches everything, my brother," Samarth said peacefully

"Responsibility-?" - Kartavya

"His kid's responsibility. you know, he's married to my Cousin-Sister and She's a Home affairs minister so she's too busy to handle housework, that's why big bro took responsibility to help her."- Rooh said ( while munching the fruits )

" You're married? That's amazing, congratulations, sir"- Kartavya

"Congratulations, man"- Kaksh

"Haha, thank you guys. Plus, kartavya, stop calling me 'Sir' in such a formal way, I'll be more comfortable if you can address me more informally."- Samarth

"... Then..?!! "- Kartavya thinking

"Call him, Big Bro. I and my lady -"-
( Rooh stopped sanskar in the middle and said - )

"Drop the formalities already, bro "- Rooh

"I meant Roohh!! And I , we call him Big bro as well ( in Private though ) - Sanskar laughs and continues his sentence.

"Sure then. Big Bro"- Kartavya smiles at samarth

"And what about you?." - Sanskar asked the Kaksh.

"I'm definitely older than him. So I'll stick to the name"- Kaksh

"Oh- you're older..."- Sanskar thinking and trying to calculate Kaksh's age

"35?"- sanskar

" 107 " - Kaksh

( Rooh Gasped, Sanskar Shocked, Samarth choked. )

"*According to the Mages Calendar* , it's different from ours, she's only 42 , if we calculate her age with our calendar"- Kartavya explained the situation

"That's the same thing"- Kaksh nodded

"Definitely not.. ma'am?!! " Rooh

"You can call me by my name"- Kaksh to Rooh

"Well, should I call you "big sis" or something , it's cute."- Rooh smiles at Kaksh

"Just call me By my Name."

Samarth ( laughs ) "Fine then. I'll also call everyone by their names. "

Sanskar - Same here.

"Guys, let's focus food already.!!"- Rooh

And The Day-1 on Island ended.

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