Chapter 11- "Let the Game Begins"

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The next day came with the brightest Dawn.

"Are you guys ready?" - Rooh said confidently.

"Always"- Kaksh replied in the same tone.

( Now it's time to 'Dig into the Lion's Dan', so They packed all the important things and weapons with them for the forest journey. )


[ After Wandering for two hours with no progress, everyone decided to rest for a while beneath a large tree , and while they were resting, Rooh saw a bird , standing quite far from them (which looked similar to hen) ].

"Hey see, Hen..there"- Rooh points out the bird.

"Food?! Where"- Sanskar

"There"- ( nothing was there now, which actually confused Rooh as if it was a delusion ).

Later , when they again began the journey lots of unique and rare looking flowers came across them but not even a single living species, it was bit confusing since island x is famous for it's out of the world like organism.

"This seems so unreal, I mean, whatever I've heard about this island seems fake now," - Kartavya said in a disappointed tone.

"I know, right, something is off"- Samarth

"Not something but Everything"-

Kaksh said it while looking into the sky.

"Look there" - Kaksh points out at clouds in the sky, which weren't moving at all, even though air pressure was high, since all the trees and shrubs were floating with the wind. )

"Are we in a dream?"- Rooh turned and asked.

*Situation Tensed*

Everyone wondered about Kaksh's words and Rooh's questions.


( Samarth covers Rooh from the left side , sanskar did the same from the right side and took out weapons. He and kaksh made it yesterday.
Kartavya clenched his hand with one sword like weapon, and Kaksh closed her eyes and tried to get gasp of the situation. )


"I can hear someone counting"- Kaksh

{ "Open your eyes, kids!!!"- Someone from far screamed. }

"Ahhgghh , coughs"- Rooh..
"Wha- what was that"- Kartavya

[ Just a second ago , They were in the middle of the jungle but now they are all in the place, they rested for the first time, everyone was dumbfounded-ly sitting there, in the same position as earlier ]

"I knew something was definitely wrong there, but what was, i heard someone counting.. but who"- Kaksh said while holding her head.

"Are you sure that you're not delusional-ing?" - Sanskar

"I'm not -" Kaksh.

{ She is correct } - A voice came from somewhere.

"Who's it??".. Kartavya stood up with his sword.

"It's the same voice, I've heard earlier"- Kaksh

( It's me, Your Savior ) - A voice came from the tree.

"A talking tree?!"- Rooh asked in shock.

{ I'm not a tree kid - someone jumped from the tree branch }

"What is it, Who are you?"- Boys Screamed.

"What i am"- { Someone is coming out of the bushes.. }

( What is it - what could it be - a human? Monster? Demon.. who's it- They wondered )
And it was a

"A Hen?!- Rooh's first Reaction after looking at that "someone".

{ That someone or something was literally a Hen like bird, more like 'Human Speaker Hen'. Which was actually shocking since its voice didn't match with her small-fat-round-feathery figure }

"Is this the same food you were pointing at, earlier"- Sanskar asked Rooh *In Serious Tone*

( After listening to this , the bird became angrier and said ) - "Saving you all lowly human was a mistake, Just go Die"- Hen walks off.

Kartavya - "Waitt!! We really don't understand what's happening right now.. Mrs.. umm.. Miss-"

"Murgi' Everyone calls me 'Mrs.Murgi' here"- Hen

"Well, who's gonna tell her?" - Kaksh said quietly

Everyone was holding their laugh

Kartavya ( while holding his laugh ) - So Mrs-

Hen- Murgi. Mrs murgi, it's not that difficult, kid.

Kartavya - "Yes, so Mrs.Murgi.. So can you please explain the situation to us, you see, i think we're lost here.."

"Well!! Maybe I can help.. you lowly humans, if you have something to offer in return for help - Mrs Murgi ( said in sassy tone )

"We're here for public welfare."- Rooh said with a straight face.

(  Mrs murgi exhales deep breath
*in disappointment* )


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