Chapter 27 - "All the way."

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Later in the night,
While they were having their food, Suddenly Agya took out a coin from her bag and put that in the food.

"Ohh mah Goshhg!!"- Agya stood up and started creating drama about it.

( Then, Agya gave an eye signal to Nikaay to join her drama. )

"What happened?!!.. Honey"- Nikaay followed the steps and joined it.

"See... I almost choked a coin, and I ALMOST DIED!!!"- Agya screams.

Listening to all this mess, the mood in the restaurant became hot, and people were chattering all over around.

"Where's the Owner!! Bring Him here right now!!"- Nikaay ordered.

The manager came, She was a lady in her 40s.

"What happened dear.."- Manager

Nikaay then took Agya in her arms and said-

"My wife almost died because of your food!! How are you gonna compensate for this!!"-

"Oh- that's not possible -"- Manager

"So we are lying? Oh dear, my throat!!!"- ( Agya fell.)

The chattering became louder, listening to all of this mess, the Owner came.

He was an old man in his 90s.

"What's the matter?!"- He asked in a low, soft tone.

Nikaay gulped and said, "We are seeking a discussion on this matter."

"Come with me."
The old man took both Nikaay and Agya to his office.

They followed the old man in his office.
( The room lighting was low, and it looked so dusty because of all the old books and some military arsenal showcases. )

"Sit"- Old man

They sat.

"So, what's your purpose for coming here?!"- an old man asked Firmly.

"You know my dad."- Agya replied and showed him the photo of her father.

The old man took the photo in his hand and put on his glasses to see the photo.

"You're Ojash's Daughter."-
"It's been a while since I saw him here, how's he?!."- Old man

"He died."-
"And to give justice to his soul, we are here." - Agya Replied


(The old man sighs and serves himself tea in a round beautiful cup.)

I warned him before." ( Sips tea )
"Sometimes, some things are not meant to get found out, but he never listened to anyone."

The old man sat on the chair.

"What do you mean?!"- Nikaay asked.

"You kids should just return to the place you came from."
"This battlefield is not a game."
"Let the Kings play with their pawns."
- The old man advised.

"Sir, I am Nikaay Rudrasan Kanwal. King of the Asmaan Kingdom."

   "And I am here to stop this Battlefield game. So please help us"

"And I am Firosah Riplay. The ex-commander and Chief of Paramānanda Royal Military, and that's why I'm advising you to go back."

"Sir, I'm not kidding" - Nikaay

"I am not kidding either. Nikaay."-
"I was chief of the royal military, and I know how dangerous the things were, and they still are."

"You're still very young to sacrifice your life on such matters. Leave the things as they are now."

"Sir..... My only family, my sister, is in danger, and going back now is worse than dying.
Nikaay downed his head and said in a frustrated tone.

*Deep Silence*

The old man (Firosah Riplay) thought something and asked:

"What do you want to know?!"

"Everything. Everything that has happened and can happen."- Nikaay

"And the way to that island!!"- Agya

Both Firosah and Nikaay looked at Agya.

"If going back is not an option anymore, then let's go all the way to stop the game..!!"- Agya

Nikaay stared at Agya for a few seconds and then smiled.

On the Island:

One day has passed in first world.

Everyone is preparing for the D-Day, planning and plotting defense and action against all possible risks.

"Sneh, were you all alone all the time.. before Deity and Mrs.Murgi came ?!"

Rooh asked Sneh while managing his house.

"Not really, I'm friends with everyone here, so things were not as lonely for me as it was for deity."- Sneh

"Deity? Lonely? Why will she feel lonely?!"- Rooh asked with curiosity.

"Unlike me, she couldn't talk with 2nd world people. She was the only one in her form."- Sneh

"What form?"- Rooh

"A human form. In the beginning, she just looked like a lost kid on the island, scared and helpless. She wasn't even aware of her name or who she was."

"She often sat by the beach all alone, It seemed as if she was waiting for something and someone."

"It must be difficult for her to adjust here."- Rooh said in a sympathetic tone.

These two were talking but then Sanskar shouted from outside.

"Keep the sword up."- Sanskar to Kaksh

"My Capabilities are different."- Kaksh ( grits )

"That's the reason why I'm teaching you sword fighting, girl."- Sanskar

"You guys are practicing sword fight?!, that's cool."- Rooh

Kartavya was sharpening the newly made weapons on the side.

"Are you interested in sword fighting as well?!- Kartavya asked Rooh

"You can say that."

Then Samarth made another weapon by using materials Mrs.M and Sneh gathered.


In the night:-

Rooh heard a weird loud noise coming out of the window while they all were sleeping under the same roof.

"Fggjiufdssh"- *ununderstandable words* 

She tried to ignore this but the loud noise didn't let her sleep either.

She woke up from her bed and walked towards the window. She stood by the side of the wall so whoever was outside couldn't see her.

She glanced but nothing was outside.

The Noise stopped as well.

She looked everywhere possible from the window.

"What was it?!"- She wondered.

Then She moved to her bed again.

And the Night Ended.


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