Chapter 20 - "Loss-Lost-Love."

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The whole chamber was inside the main surface of the island, but because of small holes presented on the ground, there was no scarcity of oxygen.

Unlike the main island x, the light was somehow still there,the underground area looked much older,  there were mounts, lakes, big trees, flowers along with sleeping Giants.

"Hush!! Come to this side."- Samarth took them far from the snake.

"I've once read something similar -"- Kaksh - "I don't exactly remember where.. but it was an old book."

"But whose voice was that?"- Sanskar

"Was it kartavya?!"- Sanskar

"Kartavya's voice is deeper than that"- Rooh

"She's right, it was much similar to voice, I've heard in the morning, shadow's"- Kaksh

"So what to do now?!"- Samarth

"Let's just look for Kartavya for now."- Sanskar

"This place is huge and dangerous, so let's all go together."- Rooh

"Indeed"- Samarth

They walk around and see multiple animals there. They differ in sizes and spices.

After a while, They came across the river , which was flowing backward to the mount.

"Fascinating."- Rooh

"Weird."- Kaksh - "Something is weird about this place."

"I will say Every Thing is weird here."- Sanskar

**phwargh** ( Sound of Whale )

"Huhh- What was that??!!"-

"Look down!!"- Samarth

Everyone looks down inside the lake

Whale.. It was an actual whale inside that lake.. so near the water surface.

"It seems like it's coming closer and closer.." - Rooh

"...."- Kaksh "That- That's - Actually ComIng Uppppp- RUN as Far as Possible!!!!!!!!"- Kaksh

But before they could run away..the Whale came to the lake surface ( to intake oxygen ), and as a result, the water flooded on both sides of the lake.

Water pressure was so high that they all got separated from each other and floated away.

When Rooh woke up, she found herself alone below the big Banyan tree.

She stood up and tried to look for others, but no one was around.

She was cold and scared, her whole body was shaking and also, this time the brightness there was dimming, as if night time was finally coming under the ground.

She sat below the tree, rubbing both of her hands together. She wanted to cry, but she tried her best not to.


Meanwhile :-

"Wake up - Bro!!- Sanskar to samarth

Sanskar and Samarth were together

"Where are the girls?.."- Samarth

"I tried looking for them but found no one," Sanskar said in a regretful voice.

"Kaksh can handle such situations herself, but Roohika-" Samarth

( Rooh - Princess Roohika spent most of her life , working inside the Main Palace, being the youngest daughter of the Late King..she was always privileged with luxury and comfort and being here in such an island Without any necessities was already difficult for her and now she's lost alone in such unknown place ).

"... This is my fault. i would've been more active about such things.. I'm.. feeling.. So useless now"- Samarth hits himself.

Sanskar stops him - "If this is your fault, then mine too. Brother"

"He sent me here to protect her... How I'm going to face Nikaay now."- Sanskar grits his teeth

Samarth stood up - "Let's just - Find others." - Speaking in hurry.

Sanskar nods, and both go off to find others.


Meanwhile, Kaksh -

She found herself near the lake.

"Ahh, my head is spinning."-

"Where am I?" looks around.

"Are we all here, Just To get Lost??!!"- Ahghg sighs.

Then she notices something suspicious, behind the tree.. "What is it."- She wondered.

And tried to go near it.

It was Mrs.Murgi, sleeping below the tree, soundly. But the fact that the tree was actually "Swapanpedh".

( Kaksh actually thought of leaving mrs.murgi there because of all the hardships she had to face because of her, but since it's Swapanpedh, which is harmful and mrs.m had already saved all of them, once. )

So, Kaksh shows some sympathy and kicks off Mrs.M to wake her up.

Because of the kick, Mrs.'s almost round body rolls up, and then her head hits the tree.

"It hurts!!"- Mrs.M yawns - "Oh- Oh- "It's Youu- agh i thought some handsome man would come to rescue me!!!"

Kaksh Sighs.

"Why are you alone?!"- Mrs.M - "Where are everyone."

"Firstly tell me, Where you Were."- Kaksh - "I thought the shadow took you."

"That?- Shadow? Oh - No.. that's not Just Any Shadow."- Mrs.M

"Huh"- Kaksh


Meanwhile, Rooh heard something coming towards her, but since it's nighttime, she can't detect what it who is it.

She grabbed whatever she could find near her ( a part of the tree branch ) and then held it as if she's holding a real sword.

*Deep breaths*

Winds got colder and stronger, and noice of footsteps increased.

"Who-"- Rooh , took a step back and tightened her grip of branch.

"ROOH!!!!"- .... "I Found Youu!!"-

It was Kartavya ( He was holding a lamp kind of thing ) he puts that near his face, so Rooh could see that it's Him.

"Look... don't be scared - It's me.."- (Panting)

He puts down the lamp then.

Rooh was standing overwhelmed

"Are you fine?"- Kartavya ( took a step closer to her )

She starts crying. As if she was bottling up her emotions for ages.

Then she ran towards Kartavya and hugged him.

"Huh!!!!" - ( His heart skipped a beat ).


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