Chapter 15 - "Peek at Peak"

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( Finally, everyone leaves mrs.murgi's house )

"Grab this and hold this and also this"- Mrs.M gives all luggage to guys to hold.

"Do we really need this much stuff?"- Sanskar

"You never know.. what might come in hand in times of need"- Mrs.M

"So where to now"- Kaksh ( took out map, mrs.m gave her, since it was better to have two people with maps on island journey, especially in case of any emergency )

( Meanwhile, Samarth notices a mark on the map, which seems familiar )

"That mark.. I've seen it somewhere"- Samarth

"That map belonged to my dad, and it's pretty old."- Mrs.M

"Ummm."- Samarth ( thinking deeply to remember where he has seen that mark before )

"Well!! Where to now."- Kaksh ( asked again )

"Oh ya!! Let's go to 'Lake Sage'."- Mrs.M

"What's that?"- Kaksh ( looks at the map to see where the lake is )

"It's not on the map.."- Rooh ( peeks ). Also, kaksh agrees.

"Well, it is"- Mrs.M points at a mountain kind of region - "It's there, flows through the mountain valley"

"Ohh.. but what will we get there.?"- Kartavya

"CLUE."- Mrs.M - "Clue to the Treasure of Resources".

"What do you think, it'll be.. the treasure"- Rooh

"To be honest, I can't guess it either. It can be anything, but if the king is behind it, then it may be something..we cannot even think of it."- Mrs.M

"In the Annual meeting, they said that whatever the resources be found here will get in use to recover the Entire Continent. But guess what- The one king of that continent is already using all of it for his very own greed." - Sanskar

"It's actually pathetic, even we fell into his trap"- Samarth

"But at least we got to know the truth. It's easy to defeat your enemy when you know their identity"- Rooh

"Now let's go to the mountain."- Rooh

"It's in Eminence Valley. The Lake Sage"- Mrs.M


[ They follow the Map route and Mrs.'s guidance to reach safely to the destination ]

[ Meanwhile, on the way to the Valley ]

After walking 10 km into the West hilly region, they take a break where, Mrs.M and Samarth Prepare the lunch and they all eat it together, under a big tree, which was on the edge of one particular peak while looking at the beautiful view.

The sky was filled with clouds, yet the sun was sneaking through them, Big birds were chirping away, and all the humongous trees from far were looking like bushes and shrubs.. wind was blowing gently with some sweet sort of sweet smell, maybe the smell of flowers from the other valley.

"I like it here"- Rooh (staring at the sky)

"Mesmerizing"- Kaksh ( looking at magic books , Mrs.M gave to kaksh before leaving the house. )

"Where you got this all of these stuffs? I'm actually curious now?!"- Kaksh

"Haha. Time will tell you."- Mrs.M eats her food.

"You've mouth too," Kaksh said with straight face

"That mouth is eating now."- Mrs.M laughs

"Brave of you, putting our dear musician in her place"- Sanskar

"Why can't you just eat. Sanskar."- Kaksh

"Oh, it's gone," Kartavya exclaimed

"What"- Samarth

"My sandwich, I'm sure it was in my hand, just a second ago, but it's gone now.." - Kartavya spoke with a confused face.

"It's okay dear, here take another one."- Mrs.M

"But - "- Kartavya

"Fine, take more'- Mrs.M

( They spent an hour there and again started walking towards the west )

In their journey, they got to see many hills, some filled with ice, some with greenery, The combination was shocking yet amazing to look at. Clouds were mostly floating below mountains peaks since some mountain tops were literally touching the sky. The Grassland area was huge and seemed never-ending, and They also got to see many plants and animals they've only read in books about.

( After walking for almost 16km, mrs.m pauses and looks at the some forest area. )

"What happened, ma'am"- Kartavya

"It was there. Native people used to live here"- mrs.m

"... You mean it's the place"- Rooh

"The place where my dad disappeared forever. To be honest, it's my second time visiting this particular area, after all this time."- Mrs.M

( Then, everyone goes there to inspect the area, Mrs.m was a bit hesitant at first, but then she also joined everyone. )
( There were many grave tombs surrounded by stone boundry in a circle shape. )

"Did you make all of this?"- Rooh

Mrs.M ( emotionally said ) - "Their bodies disappeared, but since everyone deserves a place to return to -"

"You did a great job."- Kaksh pats Mrs.'s head.

( They pay respect to all the forgiven souls by putting flowers on each tomb and bid farewell. )


Evening of Same Day :-

"Just a little bit more, and we will be there"- Mrs.M

"What more do you mean by saying more?"- Sanskar

"10 km approx, just to reach the valley," Kaksh says by analysing the map.

"I'm already tired, shall we rest?. It's almost evening now"- Rooh ( exhausted )

"Here, map shows a.. cave near here, maybe 2 km most.. can we spend the night there? "Kaksh asks Mrs.M

"Let's go there then?!" - Kartavya

( Everyone Agreed )


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