Chapter 22 - "Identification"

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In Island:-

Rooh's Unexpected hug shocked Kartavya so much that he just stood there confused about whether he should hug her back or not.

Kartavya - ... Fine???!!

Rooh - Ooh- (realizes the situation and back off )
  - Yes! I'm Good!! But where were you ??!!

Kartavya - Oh .. when I was investigating that place, just then,
I somehow fell into it and before realizing anything else, I was here surrounded by such big giants.

Rooh - Ohh- Same happened with us too.

She noticed the lamp Kartavya was holding.

Where did you get that?- Rooh

Sneh gave that to me!!- Kartavya -

{Rooh is making a confused face.}

Oh, I meant- that shadow- that gave this to me. He's not as bad as we expected. - Kartavya

.. huh?!! - Rooh

He's known to Mrs.M - Kartavya said to Rooh.

He's your friend?!- Kaksh asked Mrs.M

On the other side of that underground world, Kaksh asked this question to Mrs.Murgi

Yes! He is. It's been a while since we met so he came to greet me and my new friends. - Mrs.M Replied

Where is he now?!- Kaksh

I don't know, he, I, and Kartavya were together right before we heard you all screaming. - Mrs.m

Kartavya was with you?! - Kaksh spoke in a relieved tone.

And Who is your he?!- Kaksh


Then someone came there.

That shadow kind of thing in the mist was nothing else but a Chrysopelea ( Flying Snake ) with a length of 3 meters, white.

"Oh There you are!!"- His eye brightened and he came near them.

"So-"- Kaksh

Then Sanskar and Samarth came from the same place as they already met Sneh.

Oh!! There you are!! - Sanskar said to Kaksh
- "Oh!! You too murgi"

"Finally we met."- Samarth

"Where's Kartavya and Rooh?!"- Mrs. Murgi asked

"Have I missed someone?! OH!! Ya Themm!!"- Flying Snake ( Sneh ) asked and immediately went high in the sky to look for them.

"I used to fly too"- Kaksh remembering her old days when she had her magic.

Then Sneh Looked for Rooh and Kartavya and Finally got them, just some miles far away from the others, he then guided everyone there and they all United again.

Samarth and Sanskar first made sure Rooh was safe or hurt and on the other hand kaksh just asked Kartavya if he was good or not.

They all later sat there for a moment under the huge trees because that place was safe according to Sneh.

"I was so worried but I'm glad that we all are together, finally"- Rooh.

"I know right!!"- Mrs.M

"But can you now please explain what this thing is?!"- Sanskar asked

"Remember the friend... I told you all about?!".- Mrs.M

"The one who helped you to build that house and with all the necessities?!"- Rooh

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