Chapter 6 - "Tense to Intense"

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Later in the night of the very first day of the journey, the ocean was calm, the weather was nice, and the thing that wasn't looking good was the bonding within teams.

( Dinner Time on the Dining table, everyone just staring at food as if it's poisoned )

"Are you sure we should eat this?" Rooh said this into Samarth's ears

"We have extra food in our room, miss, you can avoid dinner here," samarth replied back.

"We can hear you" - Kaksh
"Who are we in We, miss?"
"Do you have to interfere me in between. Sir."- Kaksh
"Nice question, and maybe it's destinied."

( The situation of the room worsened, so kartavya stood up from his seat and said - )

"I know things aren't good now, but since we all have no choice, we have to compromise with the situation" - kartavya

"Nice Piece of Advice Mister, but i guess your team is the one on the wrong side"- Rooh

"Excuse me," Kartavya said with questious eyes.

"Nothing !! Sir, I think there have been some misunderstandings. " Samarth handled the situation.

"I guess we should really go back to our rooms now"- Rooh

"Sounds good, let's go, miss," Sanskar replied to Roh

( Everyone went into their rooms except Kartavya. He was looking at this ocean while trying to get what Roh actually meant in her words earlier )

"Do they know... but it's impossible. " Kartavya was wondering all this in his mind for the time being and then went off to sleep.


( Later in the same night , when everyone's sleeping in a big room , which was further divided into two cabins , someone started banging on that.. continuosly )

"Who's it??? Sanskar screamed in frustration and goes to open the door.

( As he opens the door, he sees Kartavya on the door , who is panting with sweats )

"Wha- what happened Guy, are - you fine"-
Sanskar, and as he said that , Rooh and Samarth also came from their cabins, and for protection, Samarth stood before Rooh.

"Th- that... As we thought that - that boat has cursed on it, we'll sink if - if we didn't escape from this, " kartavya said.

( While they were wondering if kartavya is saying Truth or Not , a big Wave Hit the Boat hard , as it almost got various holes in it. )

"I guess We really have no option left, what we should do now, Kid"- Samarth.

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