Chapter Forty-Six: There Are Worst Things I Could Do

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A new year calls for a new start, right? We've all tried to make resolutions such as 'excercise more', 'eat healthier', or 'pick up a new hobby'. It works for about two weeks untill we make up excuses and give up. Then we go on to secretly loathe ourselves for being weak, but say we'll try again next year. It's an endless cycle, one that goes unnoticed until one day you finally stop yourself and do something about it. You stick with the daily dumbell routine, three reps a night. Or you pack more carrots into your lunch and pass on desserts. Suddenly, learning how to sew is more relaxing.

This year, I tried a different approach to the whole resolution part of this fresh start. I, Christina Green, shall not let myself fall for Harry anymore. I'm offically on a Anti-Harry Spree. After coming home from the club, I saw Harry and Elizabeth asleep in each other's arms on the couch. My heart was tired of all of this bullshit- pardon my french. I refuse to have this Anti-Harry only last for two weeks. As far as I'm concerned, the more he tried to confuse me and play me, the more I hated myself for letting him get to me. In a way, it was like two resolutions in one. 'Be happy and hate Harry.'

It's been two days, and I've succesfully managed to put my resolution into action. I'll be sitting at the table when the hot shot tries to sit and eat with me. I'd shoot him a mean look, mumble a coule of cuss words, and leave. Sure, I had to sacrifice my food just to ignore him, but it was working. He was finally getting the hint to leave me alone. As long as Elizabeth was here, I might as well be invisible to him.

The two lovebirds went out all the time. Which was a good thing, seeing as I had the hotel to myself. The others boys came and went, mostly went. They all had a girl they wanted to be with, even Liam. No matter how much I prodded, the boy wouldn't budge on who she was. I didn't really have anywhere to be. My mom was still overseas, my friends busy with the boys. Me? Well... I was sitting on the couch, playing xbox until someone came home to entertain me. Unless it was Harry. Just to shove to him, I'd even talk to Elizabeth, despite how much I really want to despise her. She was alright, and I could see why Harry was so crazy about her. I just refused to communicate with Harry. I wasn't going down without a fight.

On the morning of January 3rd, all of us, excluding Elizabeth and Louis, had to go back to school for musical rehearsals. Elizabeth would be out on the town, shopping to her pleasure and seeing the sights. Louis would be doing whatever Louis does. As we huddled into the car, Liam drove us all to school. It was much too early for my liking; 8 AM. But the earlier the rehearsals, the earlier in the day we get out and more time we have to do whatever we like. There was still a week of vacation left despite all of this. We pulled up to the school and piled out, and I dreaded it. Everyone still thought Harry and I were together and happy, which is just how management wanted it to be. 

I revised my resolution. 'Anti-Harry when no one is looking.'

"Good morning!" Mrs. Coats said, too perky for all 70 of us. We all mumbled in response, some people standing in the back were still asleep. "We have a great day ahead of us! Lydia is coming around and passing out scripts, please take one. Feel free to write notes in it and highlight it. Don't lose it! We're going to just be doing the dialogue for this first week. Next week will be the vocal practice, and a week after that we'll finally choreograph the numbers." A hunk of a script was placed in my hand, a girl with frizzy hair and large framed glasses smiled at me as she continued to pass out the scripts. I looked down at it, my eyes bugging slightly at all the lines already. Mrs. Coats led us all in physical warmups, stretching for about 5 minutes. We said a few tongue twisters, and just like that, we were ready to start. "To start the day off, we're going to do some improv!" Groans floated through the back. It was too early for that. 

Improv is when you think on your feet. Mrs. Coats explained how she was going to have a select number of students come up to the stage and act like their character, making up lines and situations. This excercise was to help build relationships and trigger emotions that we could soon put to use for our actual lines. My stomach churned as I watched Kelly's hand shoot up the moment Coats asked for volunteers. That sickly sweet smile of hers never looked more wicked as she scampered onto the stage in nothing but booty shorts and a tank top. I rolled my eyes in disgust- the girl got away with everything.

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