Chapter Seven: The Morning After

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You have got to be kidding me. The boy who kept me up all night was looking too energetic as he talked to a group of giggling girls; they all looked like they were ready to drop to his feet and kiss them. How could he still be moving after a major lack of sleep? Harry hadn't even gone to bed at first like I had- he had been wide awake when he interrupted my sweet sleep. My fingers rested on my temple as I massaged, I could feel bags under my eyes. I wasn't in the mood for attempting to cover it, I barley had enough energy to make myself a cup of coffee this morning. Note to self: Never Zoom with Harry again. He was nearly bouncing off the walls, talking... and talking... and talking.

"Hey!" A voice beside me boomed, causing me to jump. "Woah, you look awful. Are you hung over?" I narrowed my eyes and looked beside me to see Niall with a big smile on his face.

"I look awful? Thanks and no, I'm not hung over," I hissed sharply.

"Why are you acting this way then? I like happy Chris," Niall pouted.

"Sorry for snapping at you," I sighed with a small smile, using most of my energy to create it. "Your stupid friend Harry kept me up all night." Niall's eyes widened, his eyebrows wiggling. "Not like that, pervert! He called me and woke me up at 3 for a Zoom call. I feel like a booty call," as I said this, Niall let out a chuckle.

"That's Harry for you," Niall put his hand on my back and rubbed it sympathetically. "At least it's hump day, right?"

"Hump day?" I said, looking at him like he grew two heads. There is a designated day for sex?

"Yeah, hump day...  Just think, the weekend is so close! Speaking of which, this weekend we have an interview, and you need to be there." He continued, pretending as if I didn't say a thing about not knowing what Hump Day reference was.

"Why do I have to be there? I'm not a part of the band."

"We're introducing Harry's girlfriend to the world," he said like it was the simplest thing in the world.

"What?" My eyes widened. So soon? Maybe I'm not prepared for this! Is it too late to back out? I looked up at Niall with helpless eyes, big and round like a deer's. He put his hands up at reaction.

"Don't worry, you'll do fine." He tried calming me down. "Just... get some good seep before, no offense." Niall looked me up and down, looking at how much of a mess I was. My hair was in a messy bun, my glasses on my face for once instead of contacts, a simple red long sleeved shirt, and grey sweatpants. I was in no mood for impressing anyone, not that there was anyone to really impress. I guess you could count the cute football players in the hall, but they hardly noticed me anyways.


The day had passed slowly as I walked to Algebra, dreading seeing Harry, and I meant that in the nicest way. Harry was a wonderful, talented boy, but I was still angry at him for last night. As I slumped into my seat, pulling out last block's homework, I felt eyes on me. I looked up to see one of the cheerleaders looking at me, a small smile on her lips. I could tell by the letterman she was wearing, cheerleading patches nearly covered the entire left sleeve.

"Your name is Christina, right?" She asked, looking around to see if people were watching her.

"Yea but I go by Chris," I corrected her. 

"Are you like, One Direction's bitch?" My mouth fell open. That was an ugly thing to say.

"Excuse me?" My expression turned cold.

"People are saying that every night the boys gets turns with you-"

"Listen, whoever is saying this, is beyond wrong. That's horrible to even assume that." I said pointedly. "What's your name?"

"Uhm... It's Alexis," her voice nearly squeaked. 

"Alexis," I paused, keeping her name soft before it turned sharp, "feel free to tell the people you hear this from; that if they keep spreading false rumors about One Direction, I will handle them myself," I whispered fiercely at her. She just nodded quickly and rushed back to her seat, like the conversation never happened. Her eyes never met mine again, afraid I'd chew her head off. This day was just one of the worst that I've had in this month.

The seat next to me became unoccupied as Harry sat down, glancing at me. "What's got your knickers in a twist?" 

"Don't start with me, Harry," I hissed. 

"Don't start what?" He countered, a lazy smile on his face.

"I'm serious, Harold," my eyes met his, the smile disappearing off his face. His eyebrows tugged down, a confused look in his eyes.

"Why are you acting like this?"

"Maybe it's because this jerk kept me up all night," I said quietly so no one thought I was actually sleeping with them. "Or maybe it's because everyone thinks I'm One Direction's little tramp."

Harry's eyes widened, a laugh escaping his lips. "Our tramp? Our? Oh please, I would not share you," he said with a wink. He paused noticing I wasn't smiling back.

"That's not what girls are saying. Supposedly I rotate around the group like a clock handle."

"Impossible, pretty soon everyone will know you're mine, not theirs."

"They better be informed that we don't do stuff like... That," I said with a frown.

"Why not? We're going to be dating, right? How do the blokes here say it... A boy has got to get it in at some point," he said with a smirk.

"Harry, no!"

"Why not?" He argued.

I motioned for him to lean in, which he did with a suspicious look. I leaned in and whispered in his ear softly, "Because I'm not.. I'm..." Harry pulled away quickly, his eyes wide.

"No," he said slowly. When I just looked at him, his jaw dropped. "No way!" He said loudly; causing people to look over. A harsh glare from me made him lower his volume. "There's no way! You're a senior, Chris. Nearly 18!"Catching onto what I hinting at, that I was a virgin.

"There's nothing wrong with it," I crossed my arms over my chest. Not confident to say that no one had an interest in me that anyway, but also didn't feel like just giving it away. I wanted it to be with someone special.

Harry wasn't really listening, I could tell by his face. "I can't believe you're a virgin."

"Why is that so hard to believe?" I know I should be flattered somewhat, but I was a bit offended. I don't have a problem if other people have slept together at this age, but it's my choice. I'm not going to let society pressure me into losing it quickly to a boy who probably doesn't love me as much as he says he does.

Harry's eyes sized me up, like Niall's did earlier, a smirk appearing on his face. "Wasn't your mom telling us yesterday how you have a rocking body?" He laughed as I swatted him with my hand. My cheeks were tickled pink, as if someone had taken a paint brush and lightly dusted them. 

Just as I was about to chew him out, Mr. Smith walked in with his briefcase. Talking ceased as he began the lesson but I couldn't help but keep taking small glances at Harry.

He had the weirdest affect on me.

(Edited June 2024)

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