Chapter Two: Fabulous Six

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         "Full name?" Louis shot question after question at me. He sat on the floor across from me, waiting for my answer as I leaned against the couch. For the past six and a half  hours I had drilled them all, asking questions about their personal lives.  They used the TV to show me their hometowns and audition videos on X-Factor. They looked so young, it is crazy how two years changed everything. After a few rounds of questions about them, it was now their turn to ask me.

        "Christina Rain Greenwell," I rolled my eyes. It was a dorky middle name but I had no choice over it. My mother loves the sound of rain and apparently if was raining the day I was born. It made sense in her mind to name me it. Niall knew I hated it and snickered. I stuck my tongue out at him.

        "I'm going to be the first to add her on Facebook!" Liam said quickly. He had a Mac Book Pro laptop in his lap and was typing on it quickly to find me on social media. "You really don't have an instagram?" I shook my head. Even with my privacy settings, I'd be surprised if he could locate me.

        "Not if I beat you first!" Zayn challenged, whipping out the latest iPhone. If there was one thing that I learned about these boys; it's that there is an abundant amount of testosterone floating in the air. They made everything a competition but it hasn't been annoying yet. I found it cute when they celebrated their little wins.

        "Guess what? I beat all of you. I was her first friend! In fact, I helped her set it up." Niall proudly exclaimed, crossing his arms pridefully. Liam and Zayn turned to me, seeing if it was true. I nodded and they sighed at the defeat.

        "Favorite pet?" Harry questioned, coming back from the kitchen with a soda.

        "Well, I've only had fish but I've always wanted turtles. A dream pet would be a unicorn though." I stated. Louis looked up at Harry, a silent conversation going on between them. These guys had so many inside jokes that I felt lost and on the outskirts of their relationships.

        "Favorite movie?"

        "This is going to sound really girly..." I shot a look at Niall who just laughed at me. Niall knew that I didn't like being super girly- pink never suited me but really it was the lack of knowledge. I could handle the little things but when it came to putting together a full outfit, I felt lost so I just stuck to simple. "Love Actually. It's my guilty pleasure of a movie-"

        "Okay, this is getting freaky..." Louis glanced over at Harry again with his lips twisting into a smirk.

        "What is?"

        "Nothing!" Harry blurted. "Favorite number?"

        I was about to answer with a serious question with Niall stands up and shouts, "69!" Louis proceeds to stand up and run out of the room. Liam puts the laptop aside and follows, Zayn hot on his trails. Niall tries to jump over the couch, nearly squishing his face against the wall in the process. Harry stands up last, winking at me before running off.

        "Uh, guys?" I called, getting up from the couch slowly. I stretched, my muscles tired from sitting most of the day. The clock on the wall read 10:37. I had been here for practically all day. I checked my cell. Thankfully, no new messages from my mother. I knew curfew was coming up and if I still had to take the bus home.

I turned my attention back on the empty room. Where and why did they run off? "Liam?" I called hesitantly. "Zayn? Niall? Louis?" I said in a sing-song voice. "Harry? Come out, come out where ever you are!" I walked down a hallway, doors open that showed me glimpses of huge bedrooms with at least two beds. "Guys?" I asked. "Marco?" I called jokingly. This felt so weird and I had no clue what this was- another inside joke, maybe.

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